Showing posts with label leprechauns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leprechauns. Show all posts

Sunday, March 17, 2024

St Patrick's (Sun)Day! BLACK MAGIC "Nasty Little Man!"

We've run several posts involving leprechauns on St Paddy's Day...
...but never one quite like this Simon and Kirby classic!
Written and illustrated by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby (though who did which at any given point in the story is up to debate, since they both could do everything except lettering), this story from Prize's Black Magic V2N12 (1952) is one of the most reprinted tales from the legendary horror comics anthology!
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Friday, March 17, 2023

Friday Holiday Fun VAMPIRELLA "Jackie and the Leprechaun King"

For St Patrick's Day, here's an offbeat tale about leprechauns... rendered in an extremely non-traditional way by comics legend Esteban Maroto!
Scripted by Bill DuBay, this somewhat more "heroic fantasy" approach to the legend of leprechauns appeared in Warren's Vampirella #53 (1976) when elves and related creatures were experiencing a revival in popularity due to the 20th Anniversary of the official American publication JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy.
(It's a long story, and I'll tell it in a future post...)
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to start prepping Shepherd's Pie (with lamb marinated in Guinness) for dinner...
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Thursday, March 17, 2022

Holiday Reading Room MARVEL TALES "Louie's Leprechaun!"

A never-reprinted tale about a leprechaun on St Patrick's Day?
Talk about yer pot o' gold, and the "Luck 'O the Irish", eh?
Written by Carl Wessler, and illustrated either by Vic Carabotta or the team of Arthur Peddy and Bernie Sachs (experts disagree on who did it), this story from Atlas' Marvel Tales #143 (1956) hasn't seen print in 66 years!
Considering the numerous illogical aspects to this tale (not the least of which was how the leprechaun mailed a letter minutes after he was sealed back in the ground, but before Louie got home only minutes later), it's not a bad story...if you don't think too hard about it.
And after several pints of Guinness to celebrate the day, most of us won't...
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Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Holiday Reading Room ADVENTURES INTO THE UNKNOWN "Why the Leprechauns Left Ireland!"

 At last, the long-repressed (and never-reprinted) story can be told...

...on, appropriately enough, St Patrick's Day!
So, they left Earth...not just Ireland!
Whatta story!
Nikita Khrushchev, Communists and possible Atomic War!
Cape Canaveral (before it was renamed Cape Kennedy, after Irish-American Prez John F Kennedy)!
Plus:  Giants from the center of the Earth!
Does it get any better than this?
I don't think so.
Writer/editor Richard Hughes (under the appropriate pen-name Shane O'Shea) and illustrator Odgen Whitney probably thought the same when they created this whimsical tale for ACG's Adventures into the Unknown #132 (1962).
59 years later, it's my pleasure to present it for your St Patricks Day entertainment.
Now, if you'll excuse me, there's several pints of Guinness Extra Stout in my fridge, waiting to meet me...
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Friday, March 17, 2017

Reading Room AMAZING ADULT FANTASY "Beware of the Giants!"

It's not often you see Stan Lee's signature on cover art...
...perhaps because it was probably meant as the title page for the following story (and, to tell the truth, I think the splash page below would've been a better cover)...
Bet you thought I had forgotten St Patrick's Day, eh? 
This Stan Lee-scripted/Steve Ditko-illiustrated piece from Atlas' Amazing Adult Fantasy #14 (1962) has one fatal flaw...the clothing and architecture are more mid-European (Germany/Austria/Switzerland) than Celtic (Irish/Scottish)!
BTW, one of the rarely-noted aspects of this series were the kool individualized contents pages for each issue...
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day--from the Space!

Next to being Ewok Wicket W. Warrick and Professor Flitwick, this will be the role Warwick Davis is best remembered for!
He's pretty damn funny, even when the material isn't!

They got up to #6 (Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood)in the Leprechaun series before finally putting the character to rest.

Like Friday the 13th and Critters, the series ended (chronologically) with the lead character in space!