Showing posts with label Amy Jo Johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amy Jo Johnson. Show all posts

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fantastic Femmes--Amy Jo Johnson

Note: this page has been updated with NEW info HERE!
It's the dream of every actress...
In Los Angeles less than a month, Amy Jo auditioned for, and won, the female lead in a new tv series.
The series was Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and the role of Pink Ranger alias Kimberly Hart gave her both financial security and the chance for other, meatier roles.
Those roles have included parts in several tv series, including Felicity and What about Brian?, as well as films including SweetWater, a biopic where she portrayed singer Nancy Nevins and performed several songs.
Currently, she's appearing in the police procedural FlashPoint.

Her character on FlashPoint was wounded and placed on leave so the actress, who was pregnant when the series started filming, could have a baby.
She convinced the producers of Felicity to make her character, originally a dancer, into an aspiring composer / singer so she could write and perform her own music on the series and the show's soundtrack.
She's released a couple of albums of her own material!

Genre appearances include...
FlashPoint(Julianna Callaghan aka Juiles)
Fatal Trust(Kate)
Veritas: Prince of Truth(Marty Williams)
Magma: Volcanic Disaster(Brianna Chapman)
The Division (Stacy Reynolds)
Hard Ground(Elizabeth Kennedy)
Night Visions "Rest Stop"
Cold Hearts(Alicia)
Killing Mr Griffin(Susan McConnell)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/MMPR: the Movie/Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie
(Kimberly Ann Hart aka Pink Ranger)

Check out...
Amy's Official WebSite
Sweet Amy Jo Johnson (FanSite)
While there have been numerous Pink Rangers since Kimberly, they've been different characters, so I'm not listing them, or the actresses who played them, here...