Showing posts with label movie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movie. Show all posts

Monday, December 2, 2024

Monday Madness: The Forgotten Inspiration for Disney's FROZEN...Hans Christian Anderson's "The Snow Queen"

Disney has a long history of adapting classic fairy tales...
...but none went further away from the source material than "Frozen".
Yes, it's been a commercial phenomenon, but, if you're looking for the Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale...this ain't it!
If you want to see an extremely-faithful version of the classic tale... HERE, and "Let It Go, Let It Go, Let It Go!"

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Sin City & Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

It's the 20th Anniversary of Sin City, and the 10th Anniversary of Sin City: A Dame to Kill For...

...but do I really need an excuse to run these kool, rarely-seen pix?
In alphabetical order, Jessica Alba, Rosario Dawson, Clive Owen, and Bruce Willis.
And if you can't tell who's who, you're reading the wrong blog, bunkie!
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Thursday, November 16, 2023

RIP Roger Kastel 1931-2023

Best-known for his iconic posters for the movies Jaws and The Empire Strikes Back...
...artist Roger Kastel considered his third most-famous work to be a poster that pre-dated both of them, Doc Savage: the Man of Bronze!
In fact, the landing page of his own website (Click HERE) states...
Roger Kastel's Work Includes:
JAWS: Legendary painting featured on the cover of the paperback edition of the Peter Benchley novel as well as the poster for the blockbuster Steven Spielberg film.
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back: Movie poster for the second episode in George Lucas' original Star Wars Trilogy.
Doc Savage: Movie poster and cover art for Issue #1 of the acclaimed 1975 Doc Savage comic book series.
Original painting
The art (usually cropped and silhouetted) was used both domestically and internationally on theatrical posters and various licensed products.
Trivia: In 1987, I participated in an auction of legendary sci-fi editor/historian Forrest J Ackerman's estate where I acquired, not the poster art, but the next best thing to it...

...the expanded art for the "Ron Ely" on-screen credit at the end of the film, which consists of a hi-res photo of the original painting along with acrylic art hand-painted on both sides and below to accommodate the wide-screen image!
The credit lettering was optically matted during post-production.
It sits proudly over the TV in the Atomic Kommie Comics Video Library...
...and everybody who has seen it is able to identify both the actor and film!
(No "what film is that from?" or "who is that?" from the people we hang out with!)

Monday, August 14, 2023

Monday Madness: Presidental Sex, Lies, and Movies!

Press Secretary Jerry Ross (Martin Short) sneaks the Martian “girl” (Lisa Marie) into the White House in 1996’s Mars Attacks!
He lifts a lever, under a bust of JFK, which opens the door to a secret assignation space.
Was this scene a tribute to JFK's phallic prowess?
Want to see how pop culture presents real-life Presidents' antics in reel-life?
Check out this blog post...
(Full disclosure: I do the image reserch/selection/editing for the blog, but have no control over the editorial material.)

Friday, July 28, 2023

Friday Fun ABBOTT & COSTELLO "Biscuit Eater"

They were one of the top comedy acts in every existing media of the 1940s/50s including comic books...

...with simple but effective storylines, almost always leading up to a satisfying, entertaining conclusion!

This tale from St John's Abbott and Costello Comics #8 (1949) certainly wouldn't have been out of place on their 1950s TV series...if they had the budget to pull off either animal costuming or trained animals (which the low-budget series rarely did).
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Abbott & Costello Story
Sixty Years of "Who's on First?"

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Celebrate America's Pastime...Baseball...with "Jackie Robinson Story" Collectibles

Baseball's back, and better than ever!
Celebrate with...
...the poster and lobbycards from the first movie about the first Black player in the major leagues (which starred Jackie Robinson as himself), now offered as posters and prints, digitally-remastered and restored from the actual poster and cards!
The originals are worth hundreds, even thousands of dollars!
But these affordable reproductions can put these HTF examples of classic Baseball Americana in your den, study, game/media room, bedroom or wherever you want at reasonable cost!

Friday, November 25, 2022


Since there's a new movie on NetFlix, Slumberland, based on it..'s a Thanksgiving-themed page from the legendary Winsor McCay comic strip, Little Nemo in SlumberLand from November 26, 1905.

Click on image to enlarge to see the spectacular detail!
(Note the giant turkey, the lake of cranberry sauce and forest of celery stalks!)
Oddly, the movie doesn't credit the source comic strip or its' creator/writer/artist in any way!
Talk about turkeys...
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Saturday, November 12, 2022

Space Hero Saturdays BRICK BRADFORD "Action on Pura"

Meet a "space hero" who travels with a companion in a time machine which also moves through space!
No, not that one!
We're talking about the one who did it a generation before that one...
This never-reprinted short story from King's The Phantom #28 (1967) was by Paul Norris, who was also doing the newspaper strip!
Premiering in 1933, Brick Bradford started out as a high-adventure strip starring a daredevil aircraft pilot who encountered lost civilizations, dinosaurs and other fantastical situations.
In 1935, the strip's resident scientist, Professor Southern, created the "Time Top" which could travel through time and through space!
From then on, the strip was more or less a standard space opera with occasional journeys into the past and future.
Though it never achieved the level of popularity of Flash Gordon or Buck Rogers in the US, there were a couple of spin-offs including a series of Big Little Books and a movie serial starring Kane Richmond, who had also played Spy Smasher and The Shadow on the silver screen!
Though it lost American newspapers from the 1950s onward, the strip remained popular in Europe, Asia and Australia, where it continued until the retirement of the strip's current writer-artist, Paul Norris, in 1987...
Want to see more?
Let us know...

Sunday, August 7, 2022

The RetroBlogs Summer Blogathon Goes Western AND Sci-Fi With...

...the OOP 2006 graphic novel that served as the basis for the 2011 cross-genre flick starring Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, and Olivia Wilde in...
and right here at
Atomic Kommie Comics
Note: it's really different from the movie!
Here's the Prologue...
Join us on Monday at
Western Comics Adventures...

Sunday, July 17, 2022

The RetroBlogs Summer Blogathon Kicks Serious Butt...

...with the OOP Street Fighter: the Battle for Shadaloo (1995) comic adaptation beginning on Sunday at...
Secret Sanctum of Captain Video
...and continuing Monday at...
Pop Art Martial Arts

Don't Miss It
or M Bison will be really pissed at you!
(And you don't want that!)

Saturday, February 26, 2022


This is NOT for the Faint of Heart!
Now see what misled millions of innocent young schoolchildren who thought they'd survive an atomic attack by simply ducking and covering...
Amazing what the government would lie about, eh?

Thursday, February 24, 2022


As Putin's Russia attacks Ukraine, bringing the world closer to a potential nuclear conflict... behooves us to look back at how the government thought we'd have to deal with a potential nuclear attack!
As you might have guessed, this was a comic booklet that was handed out to students in the 1950s-1960s who were shown the famous Duck and Cover movie in their classroom!
Be here tomorrow for the conclusion...but, in the meantime, here's a kool download from the Library of Congress about Duck and Cover and similar Civil Defense films!