Showing posts with label Barney Carr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barney Carr. Show all posts

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Space Hero Saturdays BARNEY CARR "Attack of the Groteks!"

We like the kool names Space Heroes have!

For two issues in 1950, there was a Space Hero named "Barney"!
And, he was a futuristic "space detective", like Lance Lewis and Space Detective/Avenger)!
Note: the pages are damaged, likely by insects, and we're presenting them despite that due to the historical value of the story!

Cover-featured in his very first appearance in Eastern Color's Famous Funnies #191 (1950), Barney Carr: Space Detective didn't do much actual detecting.
He was too busy being a typical square-jawed, two-fisted, ray gun-wielding action hero, kicking alien butt!
Unlike the other features in Famous Funnies, Barney Carr wasn't a reprinted newspaper strip, but an original series!
It only appeared once more, before disappearing into the void, but original art for a third story exists, without any captions or word balloons!
You'll be seeing both of them in the future!

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(which contains only a couple of stories from this previously-listed volume)
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