Showing posts with label 1950s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1950s. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Space Hero Saturdays SPACE WESTERN COMICS "Spurs Jackson and His Space Vigilantes in 'Death from U-235' "'s another exciting, never-reprinted adventure featuring cowboys and aliens from Charlton's Space Western Comics #40.
Ah, for the days when a cowboy's devotion to the good 'ol USA overrode living in luxury on another world with a beautiful space princess...
(Never thought you'd read that sentence on the 'Net in 2025, eh?)
Scripted by Walter (The Shadow) Gibson, and illustrated by an unknown artist!
Don't worry, owlhoot.
There's lots more space-spanning, six-shooting action to come, so keep us bookmarked!

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Space...Hero? Saturdays SUPERSONIC SAMMY "Mermaid of the Milky Way"

...that we can't restrain ourselves from presenting his second adventure!

Satirizing both space opera and American Big Business, Sammy's second story, from Humorama's Comedy Magazine #13 (1953) also introduced his (as yet) un-named girlfriend!

You'll be seeing more of him (and her) in the future!
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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Space Force Saturdays ATOM-AGE COMBAT "Sky Diver"

Though this 1950s Comic Usually Presented Future Atomic War Between Countries... did present a couple of alien invasion tales during it's brief run!
Scripted by an unknown writer, penciled by Bob Brown and inked by Lew Gantz, this never-reprinted story from St John's Atom-Age Combat #5 (1952) was typical of the "Hell, we can handle any damn invaders!" attitude we Americans had back in the day!
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Science Fiction Comics
Taylor History of Comics
Vol 3

Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday Fun / Baker Reading Room MGM's LASSIE "Down to the Sea"

As a dog owner, I say, there's nothing more fun than a playful dog!
Especially one who can do almost anything, except administer CPR!
Note: the b/w page is the comic's inside back cover, which was usually b/w or two-color.
The last page is the comic's back cover!
After the last movie in the original series came out in 1951, the comic continued, with Lassie linked to new humans, including photographer Rocky Langford and his girlfriend Gerry Lawrence on their trip to South America!
Penciled by Matt Baker and inked by long-time artistic partner Ray Osrin (who inked, among other Baker stories, It Rhymes with Lust), this tale from Dell's MGM's Lassie #20 (1955) is from the first issue of Matt's three-issue tenure as the feature's primary artist.
The writer is unknown.

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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Baker Reading Room UNUSUAL TALES "Bordoni the Great"

Charles Nicholas and Vince Alascia's cover introduces a never-reprinted Matt Baker-penciled story...
..and there's not a single Baker-trademark beautiful woman in sight!
Cue The Twilight Zone music...
Writer Joe Gill and inker Vince Colletta join penciler Matt Baker in a simple, but effective story from Charlton's Unusual Tales #16 (1959) that could've worked as a standard-budget TV episode in the 1950s!
The tale reads like a set of storyboards with dramatic camera-angles and lighting effects!
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