Showing posts with label 1990s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1990s. Show all posts

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Space Force Saturday SEEKER 3000!

Comics Have Tried to Emulate the Success of Star Trek... Marvel did when it took a crack at the genre with this one-shot in 1978 to test audience reaction.
You can read it by clicking on these links...
Despite promoting the series in a special science fiction issue of their Prozine FOOM (as shown HERE), the best the project got was a serialized reprint in Marvel UK's sci-fi anthology, Future Tense.
It then disappeared from everybody's radar!
Apparently, two British readers found that reprint enough to inspire their imaginations.
And, two decades later, after they turned professional, the duo pitched a sequel to the original tale!
After a highly-promoted reprint (with a couple of promotional articles detailing the new series) of the decades-old original story...

...a 4-issue limited series appeared in 1998 with an extra-long premiere issue!
"A New Beginning"
Then three regular-sized issues...
"Mind Bomb"
Personally, we loved the original tale and enjoyed the sequel, which was left open-ended for more adventures with the crew of Seeker.
Sadly, over 25 years later, it's been forgotten yet again, without even a reprint hardcover or trade paperback to inspire yet another generation of creatives to continue their interstellar exploration!
But here's your chance to see "what might have been" by clicking on the links!

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Comics About the Guy Christmas is Named After!

It's the Sunday before Christmas, an appropriate time to look at comic book stories about...

...the birth of Jesus Christ, the one and only!
BTW, your eyes do not deceive you!
Marvel Comics published a one-shot about the origin of Christ!
You can read that long out-of-print story by clicking on these links...
But there's more!

Here's a shorter, never-reprinted version from Marvel's 1950s predecessor, Atlas Comics...

From a small publisher who did only a half-dozen comics, all based on Christian themes...

Fiction House, noted for really-fun series like Planet Comics and Sheena: Queen of the Jungle took a somewhat more sensationalistic approach to telling the story of the Nativity....using 3-D!
and Finally...

EC Comics, aka Entertaining Comics, the guys who later gave the world graphic horror in Tales from the Crypt, Vault of Horror, and Haunt of Fear began as Educational Comics, publishing wholesome material like Picture Stories from Science, Picture Stories from American History, Picture Stories from World History, and Picture Stories from the Bible...which ran material based on the Old Testament!
They added a second series of Bible tales, this time from the New Testament, kicking off with Christ's birth!
Suprisingly, as you'll see, the gave very little attention to the actual event, covering the whole thing in only 1 1/2pages!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder WOLFRAM "Finale"

...though perhaps, not for long!
Now, does everything you've read for the last month make sense?
If not, well, that's why we call this weekly feature
Wednesday Worlds of Wonder!

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder WOLFRAM "Kyballium Odyssey"

As We Have Seen HERE and HERE, Reality is Sorta...Flexible...

...and is going to get even more so by the end of this tale!
You'll be seeing these two kids, along with others from earlier chapters, in the final entry of the series
Written and illustrated by Eric Puech, this story from the French anthology USA magazine hors-série #3 (1989) was cut into two segments when it was translated into English and printed in Marvel UK's anthology Strip #16 and 17 (1990).

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder WOLFRAM "PlanetFall"

...this story does, in fact, tie-in to last week's tale...somehow!

Published as the second story arc in Marvel UK's anthology magazine Strip #14 & 15 (1990), this tale, writen and illustrated by Eric Puech, originally appeared in 1988 in the premiere issue of the French anthology USA magazine hors-série as a standalone tale entitled ""Le retour de la guerre des mondes" ("The Return of the War of the Worlds"), before the "Legend of Wolfram" tale we ran last week!
(That one was in #2 of 
USA magazine hors-série!)
How does it all fit together?
Or are we giving a whole new meaning to "Worlds of Wonder"?

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder WOLFRAM "Legend of Wolfram"

For November, we're running a never-seen-in-America story that.combines genres...

...the way a fusion restaurant combines cuisines!
Note: When this was originally-published in the French comic anthology USA magazine hors-série #2 (1988), this was one long story.
When it was translated and used in the British comic anthology Marvel UK's Strip (1990) it was broken into two parts running in issues 13 & 14.

You may well ask "What the hell is going on?"
Only writer-artist Eric Puech knows!
You'll have to be here next Wednesday to see what happens next! ain't what you think!