A somewhat-snarky look at a 1950s sci-fi comic...

...from a 1980s perspective (which you're reading in the 2020s), by writer-penciler Dave Hunt and inker Alfredo Alcala.
Doesn't get much more "meta" than that, gang!
This impressive (and never-reprinted) parody of EC's Weird Science/Weird Fantasy/Weird Science-Fantasy/Incredible Science Fiction is from Kitchen Sink Press' 50s Funnies (1980), which was a one-shot anthology with an impressive list of contributors included Steve Bissette, William Stout, Rick Veitch, Will Meugniot, John Totleben, and Scott Shaw!
(Trivia: The "!" is actually part of Scott's name, legally!).
(Trivia: The "!" is actually part of Scott's name, legally!).