Showing posts with label management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label management. Show all posts

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Joe Worker and the Story of Labor

Because it is Labor Day weekend...
...we thought it would be worthwhile to re-present a comic about the labor movement!
It's not "light" reading, but we think it's a worthwhile way to spend a half-hour (or less) on a day commemorating the labor movement!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Reading Room: JOE WORKER & THE STORY OF LABOR Conclusion

With union-busting becoming bigger than ever, we should take a look at the past... avoid it becoming our future!
NOTE: contains scenes of racism and religious/ethnic oppression in a historical context.
May be considered NSFW today, but this comic was distributed to schoolchildren in 1948.
With both corporations and local (state and city) governments trying to destroy the gains made for union members over the past hundred years (as shown in Wisconsin), it pays to see what was done before, and how history is on the verge of repeating itself.

Written by Malcom Atler under the pseudonym "Nat Schacnner", illustrated by Jack Alderman.
You'll note that each page is a self-contained tale.
They were originally prepared and formatted as half or full-page b/w comic strips to run in union newspapers/newsletters, then recompiled (with color added) for this comic book.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


With union-busting becoming bigger than ever, we should take a look at the past... avoid it becoming our future!
NOTE: contains scenes of racism and religious/ethnic oppression in a historical context.
May be considered NSFW today, but this comic was distributed to schoolchildren in 1948.
Still more on Monday!
With both corporations and local (state and city) governments trying to destroy the gains made for union members over the past hundred years (as shown in Wisconsin), it pays to see what was done before, and how history is on the verge of repeating itself.

Written by Malcom Atler under the pseudonym "Nat Schacnner", illustrated by Jack Alderman.
You'll note that each page is a self-contained tale.
They were originally prepared and formatted as half or full-page b/w comic strips to run in union newspapers/newsletters, then recompiled (with color added) for this comic book.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


With union-busting becoming bigger than ever, we should take a look at the past... avoid it becoming our future!
NOTE: contains scenes of racism and religious/ethnic oppression in a historical context.
May be considered NSFW today, but this comic was distributed to schoolchildren in 1948.
More tomorrow!
With both corporations and local (state and city) governments trying to destroy the gains made for union members over the past hundred years (as shown in Wisconsin), it pays to see what was done before, and how history is on the verge of repeating itself.

Written by Malcom Atler under the pseudonym "Nat Schacnner", illustrated by Jack Alderman.
You'll note that each page is a self-contained tale.
They were originally prepared and formatted as half or full-page b/w comic strips to run in union newspapers/newsletters, then recompiled (with color added) for this comic book.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Coming tomorrow...Joe Worker!

...a 1947 tale of a possible Communist takeover of the US , on our brother blog Seduction of the Innocent™!
Frighteningly, the over 60-year-old story, though fiction, showed the Reds using techniques Republicans are currently using to bust unions and sow racial unrest among the middle and working classes in places like Wisconsin!

Starting tomorrow, we'll be presenting a similar comic classic here: Joe Worker and the Story of Labor!
Published a year later by the National Labor Service, it details the history of labor vs management from the days of the Egyptians and Babylonians to the then-present of 1948!
With both corporations and local (state and city) governments trying to destroy the gains made for union members over the past hundred years, it pays to see what was done before, and how history is on the verge of repeating itself.