Alex Ross' Project SuperPowers
(featuring characters who've been cover-featured)
Alex Ross' Project SuperPowers Strikes Again!
(featuring the other characters)
In addition, you can find Atomic Kommie Comics™ kool kollectibles emblazoned with the ORIGINAL 1940s classic cover art featuring these characters...
American Crusader
American Eagle
Captain Courageous
The Face aka Mr Face
The Flag
The Green Lama
Flash / Lash Lightning
Mr Raven can be found at 4 Favorites
(he never had a solo cover appearance)
The SkyMan
The Sword
Unknown Soldier aka Soldier Unknown
Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics™!
And don't forget to buy the Project SuperPowers comics including Black Terror, Death Defying 'Devil, Masquerade, and Project SuperPowers Volume 2!