Saturday, March 23, 2024

Space-Hero Saturdays CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT "...Finds the Lunar Lair!"

Place Your Bets, Ladies and Gentlemen!
Note: they still haven't fixed Jagga's chameleon-like coloring!
Judging from the cover, that trial is going to be a killer!
The unknown writer and artist Leonard Frank bring back long-time aides Joyce Ryan and Chuck Ramsey for a brief visit in this tale from Fawcett's Captain Midnight #55 (1947), though they don't actually participate in the adventure!
It's also their final appearance in the series.

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Friday, March 22, 2024

Friday Fun! MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU...All Day and All Night!

All nine chronological order!
Not since the legendary "Go Ape for a Day" marathon...
...featuring the complete, original, five-film Planet of the Apes saga in the early 1970s has such an event been staged!
Note: that marathon was in release order, as shown on the poster, not chronological order, which would've been Escape, Conquest, Battle, Planet, and finally, Beneath!
And, while I was up for that, I'm not sure my now-senior citizen's body is prepared for nine flicks in, I presume, 24 (or more) hours!
But perhaps the Force will be with me!
I'll let you know on May 5th!

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Easter Reading Room EASTER WITH MOTHER GOOSE "Mr Dumpty Gets Mended" and "Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater"

More holiday fun with Walk Kelly's adaptations of nursery rhymes...
...starting with a never-reprinted revisionist short from Dell's Four Color Comics #140: Easter with Mother Goose (1947), showing the Easter Bunny succeeding where All the King's Horses and All the King's Men failed!
Revisionism continues the next year, with another never-reprinted short (with guest-stars Jack and Jill), this time from Dell's Four Color Comics #185: Easter with Mother Goose (1948)...
Should we ask why Peter isn't actually living with his wife?
Trivia: this issue features the now-repaired Humpty Dumpty on the cover!
All script and art by Walt (Pogo) Kelly!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder WOLFF "City in the Clouds" and "Return of Sadya"

We Have Already Seen...

...Wolff rescues Katerina, who brings him to her sorcerer father's the sky!
Will Wolff and Katerina survive Sadya's attack?
Let's See...

Where's the conveniently-placed synopsis to explain everything going on in this post-apocalyptic world where magic rules and technology is all but forgotten?
Oh, it's at the top of Page 2!
Carry on...
Now the story makes sense!
Interestingly, this concludes the major plotline in the Wolff strip, with Wolff's final adventure beginning...

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


We've been running the post-apocalyptic adventures of Esteban Maroto's Wolff on Wednesdays...
...and in preparing this week's entry, we discovered the last two chapters we ran were published by New England Library in the wrong order!
Comparing the NEL publication order...
Dracula #8
Dracula #9
Dracula #10 the original running order by Spanish publisher Buru Lan...
Dracula #8
Dracula #9
Dracula #10
...the storyline makes a lot more sense!
Another tip-off was that the cover of Dracula #9 illustrates the story "City in the Clouds"...which NEL ran in #10!
Ironically, the same thing happened to the Agar-Agar stories from those same two issues Dracula which we ran last year in Wednesday Worlds of I pointed out HERE!
So, tomorrow, we'll run those two stories together in the correct order, and continue with the narrative next Wednesday!

Monday, March 18, 2024

Monday Madness HICKORY "Dewey Drip and the Bar"

Here's a strip that'll appeal to the intellect (such as it is) of Don the Con's rural con "audience"!

This one-page filler, created, written and illustrated by John Devlin, appeared in most issues of Quality's Police Comics, beginning with #1 in 1940.
It also popped up in Crack Comics and Plastic Man whenever a one-pager was needed.
This short in Quality's Hickory Comics #1 (1949) was the strip's final appearance.
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Sunday, March 17, 2024

St Patrick's (Sun)Day! BLACK MAGIC "Nasty Little Man!"

We've run several posts involving leprechauns on St Paddy's Day...
...but never one quite like this Simon and Kirby classic!
Written and illustrated by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby (though who did which at any given point in the story is up to debate, since they both could do everything except lettering), this story from Prize's Black Magic V2N12 (1952) is one of the most reprinted tales from the legendary horror comics anthology!
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