Believing that Christmas gifts can have a somewhat risque side, here's a kool, retro, 1950s comic cover image from our somewhat-naughty Seduction of the Innocent™ section.
Quick side note: Seduction of the Innocent
was a book written in the 1950s by Dr. Fredric Wertham, a psychiatrist
who postulated that, because juvenile delinquents read comic books,
comics caused juvenile delinquency! (Psychiatrists today claim the same thing about video games!)
So our collection's title is tongue-in-cheek and somewhat snarky, not prurient!
As we put it..."Proudly show the stuff your grandparents didn't want your parents to see!"
particular image is a cutting commentary on the belief that New York
City is a den of sin, a modern Sodom (if not Gomorrah), and that only
MidWestern small-town values are the RIGHT values!
It's available, along with eleven other comics covers and almost TWO DOZEN naughty movie posters,
on a variety of items including mugs, messenger bags, t-shirts, tops,
and other goodies, not to mention a couple of kool 2017 12-month
calendars; Seduction of the Innocent and Good Girls & Bad Grrrls!
So, let's put the "X" back in Xmas! ;-)
It's good to be bad at Christmastime!
Showing posts with label 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2010. Show all posts
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Phantom Lady Classic Cover Gallery
Some of my favorite Phantom Lady covers from my collection...
Yes, this is the legendary "headlights" cover Dr. Wertham complained about in Seduction of the Innocent
BTW, did we mention that ALL these covers (and six more) are available on our Classic Phantom Lady 2010 12-Month Calendar? ;-)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Jungle Girls Movie Poster & Comic Cover Gallery
BTW, did we mention that ALL these posters and covers (and a half-dozen more) are available on our Jungle Girls 2010 12-Month Calendar? ;-)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Green Hornet Classic Cover Gallery
Some of my favorite Golden Age Green Hornet
covers from my collection...
The final issue of his Golden Age run, a one-shot from Dell Comics!
Issue #33, featuring his primary 1940s weapon, the Gas Gun!
Issue #31, with both the Hornet and Kato dashing to the rescue!
Issue #13, in Berlin against the Nazis!
Issue #43, "typical" 1940s teens and 'tweens talk about the Hornet! Gosh!
Issue #29, a powerful symbolic cover (and the first Golden Age comic I owned)!
And, finally, the first issue of The Green Hornet Comics from Holyoke (who published issues 1-6)
Note he's wearing the same outfit in the first and final issues and a modified version on the issues in-between! And they're the only painted covers of the entire run!
BTW, did we mention that ALL these covers (and five more) are available on our Classic Green Hornet 2010 12-Month Calendar? ;-)
Issue #33, featuring his primary 1940s weapon, the Gas Gun!
Issue #31, with both the Hornet and Kato dashing to the rescue!
Issue #13, in Berlin against the Nazis!
Issue #43, "typical" 1940s teens and 'tweens talk about the Hornet! Gosh!
Issue #29, a powerful symbolic cover (and the first Golden Age comic I owned)!
And, finally, the first issue of The Green Hornet Comics from Holyoke (who published issues 1-6)
Note he's wearing the same outfit in the first and final issues and a modified version on the issues in-between! And they're the only painted covers of the entire run!
BTW, did we mention that ALL these covers (and five more) are available on our Classic Green Hornet 2010 12-Month Calendar? ;-)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The NEW Green Hornet series by Kevin Smith
This is not to say that it is the same character with same backstory.
No doubt, it is a totally different character.
The new mini is based on the unproduced screenplay for the proposed Kevin Smith written-directed film from several years ago.
Interesting note: the promos for the project emphasize that the story and art for the are completed.
This is due to Smith's tendency to take on comics projects and then delay them interminably, if not complete them at all. (To his credit, Smith has gotten better at meeting deadlines.)
The interor art is by Johnathan Lau who's already done some impressive work for other Dynamite titles.
And, Dynamite is pushing hard on this high-profile title, making a variant of issue #1 their contribution to Free Comic Book Day 2010 !
I'm looking forward to it...I hope you are, too!
And, in case you've forgotten, we offer some kool kollectibles featuring the tv version of the heroes, with more goodies with imagery from the Golden Age comics and 1940s movie serials to come, just in time for the new comics and feature film!
And, Dynamite is pushing hard on this high-profile title, making a variant of issue #1 their contribution to Free Comic Book Day 2010 !
I'm looking forward to it...I hope you are, too!
And, in case you've forgotten, we offer some kool kollectibles featuring the tv version of the heroes, with more goodies with imagery from the Golden Age comics and 1940s movie serials to come, just in time for the new comics and feature film!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
NO Sh1t HERE, Sherlock!

12 different designs, including several with Basil Rathbone, the man who is to Sherlock Holmes as Sean Connery is to James Bond (not the first, but to many [including myself], the definitive portrayer)!
Add to that, several classic comic book covers, a variety of other movie posters (including the campy A Study in Terror
PLUS, our newest item: the Basil Rathbone IS Sherlock Holmes! 2010 12-Month Calendar!
With the NEW Robert Downey jr/Jude Law movie opening on Christmas, if you're looking for a cool, retro, post-Christmas gift for the Holmesian, Sherlockian, or Baker Street Irregular in your life, you can't go wrong with one of these calendars, mugs, bags, shirts or other goodies! (Let him/her go to the flick "secret chic" style with a vintage Holmes sweatshirt or hoodie!)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Behold...the Blue Beetle!

Every rank from beat officers (The Guardian) to police commissioners (The Whisperer) donned a mask (and usually a skintight outfit) to fight criminals in their off-duty hours.
One of the longest-lasting was Officer Dan Garret aka The Blue Beetle.
Garret had good reason to be disillusioned about the power of law and order.
His late father was a police officer killed by a criminal who evaded prosecution even after Dan himself joined the force.
Seeing the fiend once again go free due to an unbreakable (though false) alibi, Officer Garret took matters into his own hands.
Donning a mask, fedora and business suit (ala The Green Hornet), Dan adopted the Blue Beetle identity to harass the felon and force him to to commit a crime in front of witnesses, including Garret's reporter girlfriend and her photographer!
It worked, and undeniable retribution was finally delivered to the killer!
In the next issue, after saving scientist Dr Franz, from racketeers, the grateful chemist gave Garret a suit of bulletproof chainmail, as well as a supply of an experimental vitamin, 2-X, to enhance his strength and reflexes!
Combined with a pair of lethal .45 automatics, that chainmail and "power pills" made the "upgraded" Blue Beetle a formidable foe indeed!
The Beetle's adventures began in Fox Comics' Mystery Men Comics #1 (though he didn't make the cover until #7) and ran thru all 31 issues.
He gained his own title The Blue Beetle, which published 60 issues between 1939 and 1950 and also appeared in every issue of Big 3 Comics, an anthology title featuring the most popular characters from Fox's various titles!
Blue Beetle was popular enough to be the only Fox Comics character to warrant both a newspaper strip and a dramatic radio series, both of which were, regrettably, short-lived. (The newspaper comic strip featured art by a young Jack Kirby!)
In the mid 1950s, another publisher did a reprint series which proved so successful that they published a reworked new version of the Beetle that ran into the 1960s, was revived again in the 1980s and runs on-and-off to this day. (In each of these revivals, the Beetle has a new secret identity and powers.)
But Dan Garret, the original Beetle, hadn't been seen since the mid '50s, until Alex Ross revived him in the acclaimed Project SuperPowers
Atomic Kommie Comics™ has also revived The Blue Beetle as part of our Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics™ line with several of his best covers from his own title and Mystery Men Comics on t-shirts, mugs, and other goodies.
Heck, we're so proud of him that we gave him his own 2010 12-Month Calendar with a rarely-seen comic cover for each month!
The Blue Beetle's waiting to scuttle under your Christmas tree or lurk in the stocking of your favorite pop-culture aficionado!
FREE Christmas bonus for our dedicated fans: mp3s of The Blue Beetle radio show!
And BUY Project SuperPowers, the BEST Golden-Age revival comic (er...graphic novel) out there!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
"The Cisco Kid Was a Friend of Mine..."
As created by legendary writer O Henry, in the short story "The Caballero's Way" in 1907. the Kid was neither Hispanic nor a hero!
A 1914 silent movie of "The Caballero's Way" altered the character to the version that's became famous...a wandering hero, called "The Robin Hood of the Old West", who, with his sidekick, righted wrongs without killing (but with lots and LOTS of shooting) just like the Lone Ranger!
Over two dozen more films followed, as well as a long-running radio series, a newspaper strip, several comic book series, and a 156-episode tv show famous for being the FIRST American tv series filmed in color!
Some of the films and tv series episodes are on dvd.
Note that not all dvds have color tv episodes, some have have b/w versions!
(All the movies were b/w!)
In the 1990s, Jimmy Smits and Cheech Marin starred in a very well-done tv-movie pilot
But, there's talk of a new big-budget film version of the character sometime in the next couple of years!
Just in time for Christmas, we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ are proud to reintroduce the classic Western character to a new audience in our Western Comic Adventures™ line.
Just go to The Cisco Kid & Pancho for a look at 6 different designs, including his 1st comic appearance on t-shirts, mugs, messenger bags and other goodies including a kool 2010 12-month calendar!
They'll have you going "Oh, Cisco!" "Oh, Pancho!" just like Duncan Renaldo & Leo Carrillo did in the classic tv series!
And, to make a really kool Christmas gift set, why not add one of the NEW Cisco Kid graphic novels from Moonstone Books?
Feliz Navidad, amigos!
For our faithful fans...a FREE early Christmas present...over 200 episodes of the radio show!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Don't you just LOVE Christmas?
It's even better to be in love at Christmas Time!
There's something about the scent of evergreen, the twinkling lights, the jollyness of the season that makes romance even better!
If your loved one is both an incurable romantic and a fan of pop culture kitsch, you can't go wrong with one of Atomic Kommie Comics™ funky True Love Comics Tales™ collectibles! Besides the usual t-shirts and tchochkies, we also offer matching intimate tops & bottoms and other cute clothes for the fairer sex!
PLUS: we have a kool 2010 12-month calendar featuring the best of our collected covers! (It's cheaper than flowers or candy and much longer-lasting!)
So give us a look at True Love Comics Tales™!
Then give her (or him) a kiss under the mistletoe for us!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Christmastime is CRIME Time!
What do we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ think of?
Peace on Earth!
Good Will towards Men!
25-to-Life in Sing-Sing!
Yep, you heard right!
For a subject-specific gift for the lawyer, or other legal professional in your life, the crew at Atomic Kommie Comics™ suggests you have a look at the Daring District Attorneys and other Legal Eagles section of our Crime & Punishment™ collection, featuring the long-running radio / tv character Mr. District Attorney!
Inspired by the racket-busting exploits of New York City DA Thomas E. Dewey (who later became New York's Governor), law student-turned radio writer Ed Byron created a nameless "everyman" DA who maintained law and order in an unnamed Big City (implied to be NYC).
The stories, while rarely based on real-life cases (like rival show GangBusters) followed actual legal procedures to the letter, even introducing CSI-style "lab boys" to analyze evidence and present testimony during courtroom sequences!
Kool Trivia:
The narrator (known as "The Voice of the Law") defined both the DA's case at the beginning of the episode and pronounced the criminal's sentence at the end of the show. (A conceit picked up by rival radio / tv show Dragnet!)
Though several actors played Mr. District Attorney, the DA's secretary, Edith Miller, was played by the same actress, Vicki Vola, for the entire run of the show both on radio and tv (1939-1953)!
The comic book series, from which we draw our imagery, was packaged by the Bob Kane comic book studio. Kane was the co-creator (with Bill Finger) of the most famous fictional detective of the 20th Century--The Batman!
We offer four different classic comic book crime-busting covers on items ranging from mugs to mousepads to t-shirts.
PLUS: A 2010 12-Month Calendar with a dozen dynamic images of criminals getting what's coming to them!
If attorneys aren't your thing, we also have Real Life Criminals, Police--the REAL Heroes!, Sherlock Holmes, Top Secret--Images without Words, All-True Detective Cases, Crimes by Women, Gangsters, Private Dicks, and G-Men, T-Men & Spies!
Use them responsibly this Yuletide season, citizens!
BONUS: A FREE early Christmas present, to you, our faithful fans: mp3s of the Mr District Attorney radio show!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday Deals are HERE!

Black Friday Deals!
Incredible prices!
on our
Kool Kollectibles!
Take a deep breath and dive in...
ALL 2010 12-Month Calendars
normally $19.99...NOW $14.99!
or browse thru the store
ALL Messenger Bags
normally $29.99...NOW $19.99!
or browse thru the store
ALL Tote Bags
normally $19.99...NOW $14.99!
or browse thru the store
ALL Wall Clocks
normally $19.99...NOW $14.99!
or browse thru the store
ALL Blank SketchBooks/Journals
normally $14.99...NOW $9.99!
or browse thru the store
Prices in effect from NOW to 11:59pm PST Monday, November 30th, 2009!
PLUS: Today, Nov 27th only!
Free shipping on orders of $75 or more*
Just use Coupon Code TGIF75 at CheckOut!
Check here on Sunday for the Cyber Monday Deals on Hoodies, T-Shirts, and other clothing!
PLUS! A special FREE shipping offer, MONDAY only!
*Free Economy or Standard shipping for orders of $75 or more, excluding shipping charges and applicable sales tax. Delivery address must be within the United States and cannot be a PO Box. All orders will be Economy shipping unless the order is not eligible for Economy shipping (e.g., order exceeds Economy weight restrictions). Coupon code TGIF75 must be entered at check out. Promotion starts on November 27, 2009 at 12:00 a.m. (PST) and ends on November 27, 2009 at 11:59 p.m. (PST). Cannot be combined with any other coupons or promotions and this offer may change, be modified or cancelled at anytime without notice.
black Friday,
blank sketchbook,
cyber monday,
messenger bags,
pop art,
pop culture,
Santa Claus,
tote bag,
wall clock
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Get a Clue, Sherlock!

Beautiful, aren't they?
Haven't ordered the calendar yet?
What are you waiting for...a Cyber Monday calendar sale?
Oh, damn, shouldn't have said that...
Friday, November 13, 2009
It's Friday the 13th--Let's Look at HORROR COMICS!

CELEBRATE the stuff your grandparents said would warp your parents' minds!
After all, they turned out OK, didn't they?
Didn't they?
Oh, well...
Wanna see MORE, kool ghoul?
(You KNOW you DO!)
Just click HERE!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Samson brings down the walls (but won't knock over the Christmas tree)!

Samson smashed his way (literally) thru the cover of Fantastic Comics #1 in 1939, keeping the cover slot to heimself for the book's entire run!
Most of the early covers (like the one shown here) were illustrated by classically-trained Lou Fine, one of comics' best draftsmen, perfectly-suited to drawing a mythological hero!
At first, Samson was just a super-strong guy who wore shorts and sandals and beat up baddies.
But, when he received his own comic book a year later, readers were clued into his origin.
In Samson #1, we learned he was a direct descendant of the Biblical hero, possessed of his ancestor's powers (Super strength, speed and invulnerability)...and his weakness!
Yes, if his hair was cut, he'd lose his strength! (You'd be surprised how many criminals carried around a convenient pair of scissors!) Fortunately, his hair grew at an accelerated rate, so that his periods of incapacitation tended to be days, if not hours! (Hey, it was the 1940s. Outlandish explanations for these things were the norm.)
When he gained his own book, he also picked up a sidekick; David, an orphan he rescued from a crashed plane. David had no superpowers and served as a sounding board for the hero and occasional hostage for Samson to rescue.
Samson kept going for several years until the publisher cancelled Fantastic Comics and tossed Samson out of his own comic, retitling it Captain Aero, and featuring a patriotic, Blackhawk-type, aviator!
There was a brief three-issue revival in the early 1950s, then Samson vanished!
But, you can't keep a good hero down!
Not one, but TWO publishers have recently revived him!
First, Alex Ross made him a lead character in Project SuperPowers, a new series that features Golden Age characters transplanted to the present day.
(In fact, the current issue cover-features him!)
Then Erik Larsen brought him back in The Next Issue Project, which revives long-dead comics series and continues their numbering (and their storylines) from their last published issue in the 1940s! (In the case of Fantastic Comics, which ended with #23 in 1942, Larson published Fantastic Comics #24, starring Samson, in 2008, 66 years later!)
To add to that, we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ proudly return comics' first demi-god to his rightful place in the pantheon of the Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics™ with five different covers including his first and final appearances, on t-shirts, mousepads, mugs, and many other goodies!
PLUS: we've just added a Classic Samson 2010 12-Month Calendar featuring a dazzling dozen of his best Golden Age covers!
So, why not do a Christmas "gift package" of, say the hardcover Project SuperPowers collected edition and a Samson shirt, mug, or 12-month calendar?
Show your loved one that you respect their hobby, and want to give them something unique to enable them to enjoy it!
Isn't that what Christmas is about? ;-)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Calendars Keep On Comin'...
MORE pop culture calendars are here including...

"Sgt America" just doesn't have the ring of "Captain America", does it?
This clutch of cool, collectible captains includes Captain Trumph! Captain Science! Captain Fearless! Captain Future! Captain Cross! Captain Battle! Captain Video! Captain Flash! Captain Midnight! Captain Rocket! Captain Courageous! Captain Hazzard!
Stand to attention and buy it...NOW!

PLUS: Look for these already-posted first-timers...
Classic DareDevil™ 2010 12-Month Calendar, which includes Silver Streak Comics #7 (DD's first cover appearance), DareDevil Comics #1 (the famous DareDevil vs Hitler issue), DareDevil Comics #13 (the FIRST Wise Guys), DareDevil Comics #31 (Final appearance of the Claw), and several other classic covers showcasing Charles Biro's amazing design sense!
Extra Bonus: The Splash Panel from page 1 of DareDevil Comics #1!
Classic Captain Future™ 2010 12-Month Calendar, which includes BOTH Captains Future--the original pulp hero who was renamed "Major Mars" in his comics incarnation in Exciting Comics, and the totally-new character created for Startling Comics (He's the one now known as "Zeus" in Project SuperPowers). We have all three first appearances as well as numerous other covers!
Classic Amazing-Man™ 2010 12-Month Calendar, featuring a dozen spectacular covers by Bill Everett and Sam Glanzman, including John Aman's first and final appearances!
Classic Cat-Man™ 2010 12-Month Calendar, with his first cover appearance (but second actual comic appearance) in Crash Comics, as well as ten of his own title, and an Australian Cat-Man cover for good measure! And there's lots of Kitten here as well, good-girl fans!
Classic Monster of Frankenstein™ 2010 12-Month Calendar, with a dozen Dick Briefer covers spanning both the humorous and macabre incarnations of Mary Shelley's character!
Captain Midnight™ 2010 12-Month Calendar, displays the best of his covers spanning his appearances in The Funnies to his own title, including Captain Midnight #1 with the Golden Age Captain Marvel introducing him to the readers! SHAZAM!
Mr District Attorney™ 2010 12-Month Calendar, submits 12 law-abiding covers by the Bob Kane Studios (Y'know, the guys who did ALL the Batman comic books until Carmine Infantino took over in 1965!) featuring one of the greatest radio-tv crimebusters of the 40s-50s!
Celebrate Sherlock Holmes in general, and Basil Rathbone in particular, with the Basil Rathbone IS Sherlock Holmes™ 2010 12-month calendar featuring a Baker Street dozen movie posters and lobby cards featuring Rathbone as Holmes along with Nigel Bruce as Dr. Watson and Dennis Hoey (yeah, I thought it was "Hooey", too) as Inspector Lestrade!
Jungle Girls™ 2010 12-Month Calendar, where a dozen dynamic damsels like Princess Pantha, Luana, Rulah, and Judy of the Jungle (wha?) fight fiends, fantastic fauna and funky foliage while barely wearing any clothing on these classic comic covers and movie posters!
Masked Western Heroes™ 2010 12-Month Calendar stampedes a dozen Golden Age comic book covers featuring Western heroes who know that to fight for Justice beyond the Law, sometimes you must wear a mask!
See The ORIGINAL Ghost Rider, Red Mask, Black Phantom, Lone Rider, Masked Ranger, and others, including a special Christmas appearance by...!
Aviators of the Golden Age of Comics™ 2010 12-Month Calendar puts on parade the greatest fictional aviators of World War II & the Korean War including AirBoy, Captain Midnight, Black Commander, Captain Wings, Steve Savage, Captain Flight, and others!
There's also lots of revised versions of previous calendars!!
Buy 'em! Trade 'em! Collect them ALL! (just kidding!)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
NEW: Basil Rathbone IS Sherlock Holmes Store!

Of course, there's still the MAIN Sherlock Holmes section in the Crime & Punishment™ annex of Atomic Kommie Comics™ with a dozen different, delectable, detectable designs if you can't get enough of Holmes (and Watson, of course)!
"The Gifts are Afoot, Watson!" ;-)
Monday, October 12, 2009
The Green Lama

We're talking "Harry Potter"-level popularity here!
Between a bi-weekly magazine (and hardcover reprints), a radio show, b-movies and a serial, a newspaper comic strip, a comic book, big little books, and lots of collectible merchandise, He Who Knows What Evil Lurks was one of the FIRST multi-media and merchandising phenomenons!
It was inevitable that rich playboy-turned-cloaked avenger imitators would pop up.
Some were obvious and blatant like The Whisperer.
Some were obvious, but had a really distinctive style, like The Spider.
And some were...well...unique, like The Green Lama!
The Green Lama was rich playboy Lamont...I mean Jethro Dumont who spent a decade in a lamasery in Tibet learning how to become a Buddhist priest (or Lama).
This training gave him amazing mental powers including the ability to cloud mens' minds. (This is not to say all Buddhist priests go around doing that sort of thing. Jethro apparently took some extra-credit courses.)
Jethro also picked up radioactive salts which gave him physical enhancements as well , including super-strength and enabling him to fly.
Upon returning to America, Jethro resolved to use his abilities to right wrongs, punish evildoers, and in general, fight crime.
Like The Shadow, who had several other identities besides "Lamont Cranston", Jethro also used the identity of "Dr. Pali" to go places rich playboy Dumont couldn't.
Unlike The Shadow, he never used a gun, instead depending on his mental powers (and, if necessary, his physical prowess) to deal with villains.
Experienced pulp writer Kendall Foster Crossen was hired to create a character to compete with The Shadow on the newsstands.
He conceived The Green Lama and penned, under the name "Richard Foster", over a dozen tales about him for the pulp magazine Double Detective from 1940 to 1943.
(While The Lama was always the cover feature from his first appearance onward, he never had his own pulp, like The Shadow.)
The Lama also appeared in comic books, first in Prize Comics from #7 in 1940 to #34 in 1943, then moving into his own comic for eight issues until 1946.
Crossen wrote most of the comics, which were illustrated by Mac Raboy, one of the best artists of the period!
Three years later, the character was revived in a summer-replacement dramatic radio show which ran only 11 episodes starring Paul Frees, who sounded eerily-similar to Orson Welles, who had played The Shadow on radio!
In all these incarnations, efforts were made to portray Buddhism sympathetically, if not always accurately. For example, The Lama's primary incanation to invoke his powers; "om mani padme hum", is a mantra used while praying or meditating, not going into battle!
After the radio show ended, the Lama faded away except for the occasional reprint...until 2007, when Alex Ross revived the character as one of the major players in the new Project SuperPowers line of comic books using long-lost comic book characters.
In addition, Dark Horse Publishing recently published high-quality hardcover reprints of his title's long out-of-print 8-issue run!
We at Atomic Kommie Comics™ want to do our part in re-presenting The Green Lama to the pop culture world with a line of kool kollectibles including t-shirts, mugs, even a Classic Green Lama 12-Month Calendar for 2010!
So have a look at The Green Lama, today!
And "om mani padme hum" to you! ;-)
BONUS! A pre-Halloween "treat" for our faithful fans: a link to FREE mp3s of some of the Green Lama radio episodes!
And remember...pick up Project SuperPowers, where The Green Lama LIVES!
NOTE: We've temporarily deactivated our FaceBook account.
Too many tech problems on their end and their "Help" section seems out of date, referring to links and tabs that don't actually exist (but may have in the past)!
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