What if, after 50 years, the next issue of your favorite comic finally came out?
Well, if you've been waiting since 1941 for Fantastic Comics #24, it finally hit the stands today!
Very KOOL!
Uses the larger page size and anthology format of Golden Age books. (Of course, then is was 64 pages for 10 cents, not $5.99, but this is 2008, not 1941!)
Nice variety of styles in illustration and production, ranging from primitive flat color to modern computer color.
Have a look at the page to the right. Panel 2 shows the sort of simple-but-effective color-for-emphasis stuff that was commonplace before everyone went photoshop-happy and coloring overwhelmed line-art! And it works as a dramatic visual, and as storytelling!
This is a comic book!
It's not a graphic novel!
This is what enthralled your grandparents and parents when they were kids!
And it enthralled me. ;-)
But that's not the only news...
Now, you can kick back and read Fantastic Comics #24 with a cup of cocoa in a Fantastic Comics #23 mug, while wearing a 1st Appearance Samson (Fantastic Comics #1) Long Sleeve Dark T-Shirt or compose a review of the book on your blog using the Classic Samson MousePad.
Just go to Fantastic Comics/Samson Collectibles which features limited-edition t-shirts, messenger bags, mugs, blank sketchbooks, and other kool kollectibles featuring cover art shot right from the original 1940s comics (not 2nd generation color copies or tiny photos in reference books), digitally restored and remastered.
Covers include:
1st Appearance of Samson (Fantastic Comics #1 Lou Fine Art)
Classic Samson (Samson #6)
Fantastic Comics #3 (Lou Fine art)
Fantastic Comics #4 (Lou Fine art)
Fantastic Comics #23 (The final issue up 'til now!)
(You may wonder why we don't have the other characters from Fantastic Comics available. Unlike other anthology series where characters alternated cover appearances, Samson was the sole cover feature for the entire 23-issue run of the book)
We also have some cool Crack Comics characters (since they did rotate cover appearances) on collectibles including:
Captain Triumph Collectibles
1st Appearance of Captain Triumph (Crack Comics #27)
Captain Triumph Breaks Out!
Captain Triumph & SideKick? (a clown???)
Crack Comics #62 (The final issue until now!)
The Clock Collectibles
Crack Comics #1
Crack Comics #5
Crack Comics #17
So, to sum up...
BUY The Next Issue Project: Fantastic Comics #24 NOW!
Then, come take a look at our goodies at Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics, where we have stuff based on the original versions of the characters that inspired not only Erik Larsen, but Alex Ross and his new Project SuperPowers series! It's a different, but equally-valid modern take on the Golden Age characters.