Showing posts with label Tim Burton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tim Burton. Show all posts

Friday, February 19, 2021

Friday Fun: Mars STILL Attacks...25 Years Later!

With the landing of NASA's Perseverance Mars probe, and, in a fit of nostalgia, I searched the Net for info about the movie Mars Attacks. (I worked for Topps Comics when the film came out in 1996!)
Imagine my surprise to discover...thanks to the WayBack Machine, that the movie's site was operational until July of 2011, and still exists HERE a decade later!
If you want to see a classic example of pre-Web 2.0 site-making, have a look!
It's retro-kool!
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Mars Attacks!
The Art of the Movie

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Slim Whitman (1923–2013): the Man Who Saved the Earth!

Otis Dewey Whitman, Jr. saved the world in 1996...
...when Tim Burton and Danny Elfman used his "Indian Love Call" as the catalyst that destroyed the Martian invaders in the 1996 cult classic Mars Attacks...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

YouTube Wednesday: Dark Shadows Past and Present

With a new film debuting on Friday, let's look at Dark Shadows...
The freaky-kool Japanese poster for House of Dark Shadows (1970)
...starting with Barnabas Collins' first appearance in 1967 on the already-year-old series...
Next, the trailer for the first Dark Shadows movie, House of Dark Shadows, done in 1970 while the show was still airing on ABC daily, and featuring the tv series' cast!
It's not a continuation, but a condensed adaptation of the first Barnabas plotline with a bigger budget (no cardboard tombstones!), location shooting, and more Hammer-style blood than daytime tv would allow!
Right after the show ended, a second feature, Night of Dark Shadows came out...

...but was nowhere near the quality of the first film.
When reruns in the 1980s and the release of the series on videotape brought a whole new audience to the show (including a young Johnny Depp), a prime-time revival was ordered in January 1991...

...but constant pre-empting due to the first Gulf War kept the ratings down, and it only lasted half a year!
The videos, however, kept selling, and a devoted audience kept growing.
A new pilot was commissioned by the WB in 2004, but didn't go to series.
(Ironically, the year before, the WB did a Lone Ranger pilot that didn't sell.
Now, Johnny Depp is filming a Lone Ranger Tonto!)
Depp, who loved the original tv series, acquired the film rights for his production company, contacted Tim Burton, and, this Friday, you'll see the results...
Take it in the same spirit as the JJ Abrams 2009 Star Trek reboot, and you'll have a great time!

Trivia: Show co-creator/story editor/writer Art Wallace also wrote episodes of the original Star Trek, Space: 1999, Planet of the Apes (TV), The Invaders, and Tom Corbett: Space Cadet!
He later served as story consultant on All My Children.
And, every version of Dark Shadows since has used his characters and concepts...

Monday, April 30, 2012

Tribute to Jonathan Frid...the ORIGINAL Barnabas Collins!

Courtesy of the amazingly-talented Francesco Francavilla...
...a graphic tribute to the late Jonathan Frid, who embodied Dark Shadows' Barnabas Collins for two generations of fans, and who passed the torch to Johnny Depp in the new film opening next week.
Plus the cover for #11 of the new Dark Shadows comic book, also by Francesco...
Superb art, eh?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cover Preview: Dark Shadows #4

One last Halloween treat (no trick)...
...the moody cover for Dark Shadows #4, one of our favorite artists, Francesco Francavilla!
 (and the first issue comes out tomorrow! Pick it up!)

Btw, there was a series of Gold Key Comics, published from 1969-1976, and currently being reprinted in collected editions by Hermes Press...
Innovation Comics published a comic series based on the short-lived prime-time revival of the show in the early 1990s, some of which we re-presented on our blog, True Love Comics Tales™ here and here.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dark Shadows: the NEW Comic about the 1960s TV series!

With a NEW movie version starring Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins coming..
Click on the art to enlarge
...what better time to do a new comic book about Dark Shadows?
But, not the new movie version...they're doing the original 1960s tv series!
And who better to do the covers than one of our favorite Gothic-style artists, Francesco Francavilla?
TV’s original reluctant vampire, Barnabas Collins, laboring under his vampiric curse and haunted by dreams of his age-old lover and nemesis, Angelique, is one of the small screen’s most original horror creations.
The stories for the new comic book series pick up right where the narrative of the original ABC soaper left off in 1971, using the likenesses of the original actors.

There was a series of Gold Key Comics, published from 1969-1976, which is currently being reprinted in collected editions by Hermes Press...
Innovation Comics published a comic series based on the short-lived prime-time revival of the show in the early 1990s, some of which we will be re-presenting in October on our blog, True Love Comics Tales™.
The new series from Dynamite will be available in October!