Showing posts with label Trump Reading Room. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump Reading Room. Show all posts

Sunday, April 14, 2024

What Do Trumpettes Talk About When They Wait in Line to Get Into a Rally?

Likely something like this...
...and this!
Both these two-page spreads are from Charlton's Hee Haw comics derived from the syndicated TV series.
These examples of the show's humor were written and illustrated by Frank Roberge and based on an ongoing skit featuring the entire cast (plus guest stars) in a cornfield popping up and doing jokes and one-liners!
The TV show ran a surprising twenty-six seasons from 1969 to 1995, though the comic only lasted for seven (never-reprinted) issues!

Monday, March 18, 2024

Monday Madness HICKORY "Dewey Drip and the Bar"

Here's a strip that'll appeal to the intellect (such as it is) of Don the Con's rural con "audience"!

This one-page filler, created, written and illustrated by John Devlin, appeared in most issues of Quality's Police Comics, beginning with #1 in 1940.
It also popped up in Crack Comics and Plastic Man whenever a one-pager was needed.
This short in Quality's Hickory Comics #1 (1949) was the strip's final appearance.
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Thursday, January 25, 2024

Trump Reading Room DEATH RATTLE "Foreshadow"

Like Don da Con's "deplorables", the primitives below fail to actually listen... this never-reprinted tale from Kitchen Sink's Death Rattle V1N2 (1973)!
Writer-artist John Pound is still going strong almost half-a-century later!
Besides underground comics, he also worked on Marvel's Howard the Duck, and was the primary artist on the original run of Garbage Pail Kids from Topps Cards!
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(featuring the work of John an afterward!)

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Trump Reading Room "Sinner"

If you wonder what sort of mindset would allow "God-fearing" evangelicals... support a proven heathen like Don da Con, as The Chosen of the Lord, perhaps this over half-century old tale will offer some insight...
In case you have trouble reading the marker, here it is...enlarged...
Originally published in the wonderful Silver Age prozine, Witzend #1, in 1966, this Archie Goodwin-scripted and illustrated tale has also appeared in Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction Special #1 (1976) and Epic Illustrated #2 (1980), never losing it's impact!
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Friday, August 18, 2023

Friday Fun / Trump Reading Room FARMER'S DAUGHTER "Short Subjects"

Since Donald (The John) Trump's "deplorables" have very short attention spans...'s a trio of one-pagers that will probably hit the limit of their attention!
These never-reprinted shorts from Stanhall's Farmer's Daughter #1 (1954) were typical of the sort of lowbrow humor the publisher specialized in.
With titles including Broadway-Hollywood Blackouts and G.I. JaneStanhall produced adult-oriented (but never more risque than PG-13) humor.
Animator Hal Seegar was the editor/writer/illustrator for the non "good girl" strips like "The Farmer", while Bill Williams handled the art for the more risque material (like the title feature) which Seegar wrote and edited.
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Friday, August 4, 2023

Friday Fun HICKORY "Irrigation Irritation"

Let's have a look at how some creatives see twice-impeached/thrice indicted Don (the Con) Trump's "deplorables"... this never-reprinted tale from Quality's Hickory #1 (1949)
Illustrated (and probably written) by Harry Sahle, this strip began in Hillman Comics' anthology All-Humor Comics, then spun-off into it's own, short-lived, title when All-Humor was cancelled.
In 1948-49, superheroes were all but kaput.
Comics were experimenting with every genre imaginable to see what would sell.
Li'l Abner was a major success in newspapers and had already spawned a radio series and feature film!
Strips like Looie Lazybones had long been a part of anthology titles, and series like Ozark Ike, and Babe had earned their own titles, though it was probably due more to their emphasis on the characters' involvement in sports than their rural origins.
Hickory the comic only lasted six issues.
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Sunday, May 1, 2022

Russkies in Iran: T-MAN "Death Trap in Iran" & "Trouble's Double"

What happens when you combine Russkies and Iran in a spy story?
Besides a Repug's wet-dream, you get this kick-butt tale from Quality's T-Man #3 (1952)!
But, that's not all!
There's also this sanitized-for-your-protection, Comics Code-modified reprint from Quality's T-Man #31 (1956), which waters down all the kool hard-boiled elements from the original tale...and makes the Russkies into generic "Communists"!
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Sunday, January 17, 2021

Trump Reading Room ARCHIE'S JOKE BOOK MAGAZINE "Profiles in Courage"

Every family has its' "black sheep"...
...even the incredibly-wealthy Lodges!
(From Archie's Joke Book Magazine #73 [1963])
This never-reprinted strip was created during the 100th Anniversary of the Civil War, when Southerners were determined, in fact almost desperate, to rehabilitate their image.
Numerous movies and TV series portrayed the Confederates as noble, but misguided, and in some cases,  objects of humor.
(Hey, if they could make the Nazis funny in Hogan's Heroes...)
The irony is that this was also the era of the creation and implementation of the Civil Rights Act, which brought out the worst in many White Southerners who were terrified at the concept of Black people being on a totally-equal level (socially and politically) with them!
It's also worth noting that, in this era, Republicans...the Party of Abe Lincoln...are the ones defending memorials to the "glory" of the Confederacy!
Truth is stranger than fiction!

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Trump Reading Room ALIEN WORLDS "Ride the Blue Bus"

Was this the future Don the Con had in mind for us?
Thanks to him, we were edging ever closer and closer to it.
But next week, we reverse course...
This never-reprinted post-apocalyptic tale by writer Bruce Jones and artist George Perez from Pacific's Alien Worlds #7 (1984) has an odd quirk.
Both Toby's friend, Juke, and the unnamed bus driver are illustrated as black/ethnic.
Yet neither is colored differently than the blond/blue-eyed Toby!
Was this deliberate?
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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Trump Reading Room WEIRD TALES OF THE FUTURE "City of Primitive Man!"

This never-reprinted story is a Trumpster's sci-fi wet-dream...
...where it appears the geeks have inherited the Earth, and only the jocks can save civilization!
As this odd tale from Key's Weird Tales of the Future #2 (1952) shows, only extremely-manly men can keep civilization from being over-run when danger threatens.
The art is by Ed Smalle, a little-known, but prolific Golden Age artist producing almost 500 stories and covers starting in 1940 and ending in 1957, when he died.
Note: He might have scripted it as well, since he did that on occasion...