Showing posts with label Alex Nino. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alex Nino. Show all posts

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Best of Reading Room UNKNOWN WORLDS OF SCIENCE FICTION "Behold the Man" Conclusion

Art by Frank Brunner
Time traveler Karl Glogauer journeys to Palestine almost 2,000 years in the past to confirm the existence of Jesus Christ.
With his time machine damaged beyond repair and discovering he's gone a decade too far back, the now-stranded Glogauer encounters John the Baptist...
Published in the British sci-fi magazine New Worlds (which Moorcock himself edited) in 1966, the non-linear story running two parallel plot/timelines won the Nebula Award for "best novella".
Moorcock expanded it to novel length...
Art by Robert Foster
...and it is that currently OOP version which is best-known to American audiences and served as the basis of this never-reprinted adaptation in Marvel's Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction #6 (1975) by writer Doug Moench and artist Alex Nino.
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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Best of Reading Room UNKNOWN WORLDS OF SCIENCE FICTION "Behold the Man" Part 1

With Christmas behind us and New Year's Day just ahead...
...we're going to re-present a controversial (albeit award-winning) time-travel tale about the guy whose birthday we just celebrated!
To Be Concluded...
In the 1960s, science fiction experienced an influx of a "New Wave" of writers who wanted to go beyond "hard" sf and experiment, both in form and in content, with a more literary/artistic sensibility.
New Wave writers often saw themselves as part of the modernist tradition, writing "soft" or metaphysical stories instead of the technology-oriented or "hard" sf of Asimov, Heinlein, et al.
The leading proponent of the movement was Michael Moorcock, editor of the British magazine New Worlds as well as an established and successful "hard" sf writer.
to be continued...
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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder SPACE CLUSTERS Conclusion

Pursuing Ethan Dayak, a wanted criminal, Lieutenant Kara Basuto of the Terran Interplanetary Corps follows him from star system to star system, always one step behind him.
Due to the huge distances, both of them go into suspended animation during the trips between planetfalls.
But the more time they spend in hibernation, the more their minds and bodies begin to alter, until they are no longer human...but beings of pure energy...
Never reprinted, this 1986 graphic novel by sci-fi novelist Arthur Byron Cover and award-winning artist Alex Nino is one of many "lost" works from the 1960s onward that we take great pleasure presenting to you.
You'll see another one next week, but not in Wednesday Worlds of Wonder!
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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder SPACE CLUSTERS Part 3

Lieutenant Kara Basuto of the Terran Interplanetary Corps follows criminal Ethan Dayak from star system to star system, always one step behind him.
Due to the huge distances, both of them go into suspended animation during the trips between planetfalls.
But the more time they spend in hibernation, the more their minds and bodies begin to alter...
To Be Concluded...
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