Showing posts with label Stuart Gordon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stuart Gordon. Show all posts

Monday, May 2, 2022

Monday Madness WARP: Neal Adams on Broadway!

In 1973, Chicago's Organic Theatre...

...presented their most daring bit of theatre to date..
...a science fiction trilogy!
(You thought George Lucas was the first one to do it?)
After successful runs of all three parts in Chicago, the crew, led by Organic co-founder Stuart (ReAnimator) Gordon, headed for NYC to present the first chapter, "My Body, My Battlefield!"...with some significant upgrades by DC/Marvel artist Neal Adams (1941-2022)!
Besides doing the above poster, plus insert art and the cover for Playbill, Neal did...well, I'll let the Monster Times explain...
Sadly, the Broadway version ran for only eight performances (after a couple of weeks of previews).
It was later revived (using Adams' designs and tech improvements) for another successful run of all three chapters in Chicago!
Plus, WARP became one of the lynchpin series for Chicago-based publisher First Comics when they launched in 1983, with a nine-issue adaption of the entire trilogy featuring art by Frank (Doctor Strange) Brunner and utilizing Neal's designs!
The series then told new stories for the remaining ten issues (plus three Specials).
If there was ever a theatrical project that was ahead of its' time, this was it!
Could the Organic Theatre (which still exists) re-mount it now, utilizing the advanced tech now available for live theatre?
We could only hope...
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Sunday, June 23, 2013

WARP! The FIRST Sci-Fi Epic on Broadway!

In 1971, Chicago's acclaimed Organic Theatre Company produced a trio of plays inspired by Marvel Comics, particularly Dr. Strange and Mighty Thor, under the umbrella title WARP!
Billing the trilogy as "the world's first science fiction epic-adventure play in serial form", the three plays did boffo box office and won numerous Chicago theatrical awards.
It seemed like a no-brainer to take the production to New York, where local talent could enhance both the production values and on-stage talent.
The first of the three plays, "My Battlefield! My Body!" opened in February, 1973.
Unfortunately, it closed that same month.
Considering the talent involved in this project, including original writer / director Stuart Gordon (ReAnimator), NY production art director Neal Adams (Batman / X-Men / Green Lantern & Green Arrow) and actors John Heard (Sopranos, Prison Break), Keith Szarabajka (Equalizer), Stephen Williams (X-Files, 21 Jump Street), it's astounding that it didn't take off like (dare I say) a rocket!
But, it didn't, and all that survives today are some playbills and the incredibly-hard to find poster, illustrated by Neal Adams!
We have one of these posters, acquired in the late 1970s, and decided to make a couple of shirts emblazoned with it for ourselves and friends.
The response has been so overwhelming ("Where did you get that? Can I get one?") that we are now offering it to other pop culture aficinados!
If you're a fan of Broadway theatre, sci-fi, comics, or just like a kool shirt, have a look!
Or, if you'd like a reproduction poster, click HERE!

(Note: there was a spinoff comic book series from First Comics in the 1980s which adapted the trilogy and provided an ending to the story.)