Showing posts with label idw. Show all posts
Showing posts with label idw. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2020


We showed you this amazing tale of past and present  Star Trek doctors fighting a disease...
...HERE and HERE, but we didn't answer the question...WHY?
Why do a stand-alone story about the medical personnel of the various (pre-CBS All-Access) series solving a medical mystery?
It turns out, a company called "Qualcomm" (in conjunction with Paramount) was behind it!
This will explain it...
Even those who didn't have a degree in medicine or electronics could participate...
If you keyboard "" site, you find this!
And, it appears that, in 2017, someone did win the competition!
However, three years later, despite much publicity, there's still no tricorder, even in beta!
We sure could use it during this pandemic, eh?

Monday, May 25, 2020

Monday Madness / CoronaVirus Comics PANDEMICA "Chapter One: Get Down with the Sickness" Conclusion

There's a conspiracy to use biological warfare to target specific genetic types...non-whites!
Dr Moses Katz has deduced the key to the plot, but needs help to gather evidence!
After a botched assassination attempt against him, the medical researcher begins recruiting a team of experts with extremely-special skills...
So the cover depicts where the issue ends, not a scene within the issue itself!
Combine speculation about Covid-19 with the X-Files and Mission: Impossible and you get this (prophetic?) series produced last year!
Where does it go from here?
This tale from IDW's almost-prescient Pandemica #1 (2019), by novelist Jonathan Mayberry and illustrator Alex Sanchez begins the set-up the rest of that first issue (of five) completes!
Luckily, they're publishing the entire mini in one trade paperback with kool extras...
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Monday, May 18, 2020

Monday Madness / CoronaVirus Comics PANDEMICA "Chapter One: Get Down with the Sickness" Part 1

Combine Covid-19 with the X-Files and Mission: Impossible...
...and you get this (prophetic?) series produced last year!
Remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you don't have enemies...
This opener from IDW's almost-prescient Pandemica #1 (2019), by novelist Jonathan Mayberry and illustrator Alex Sanchez begins the set-up the rest of that first issue (of five) completes!
You'll see the rest of #1 next week...
Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics
Visit Amazon and Pre-Order...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The ComicCraft New Year's Day Font Sale!

If you're into comics, one of the coolest things you can do today is go to ComicCraft's website and participate in their annual New Years' Day font discount sale!
These guys provide fonts to DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, IDW, etc, so you're getting state-of-the-art  software used by the pros at an amazingly-low price for your website, blog, or print project!
(We use them for most of our logos)
"Comicraft fonts are created BY Comic Book Letterers FOR Comic Book Lettering, and every New Year we give our faithful customers -- and even casual browsers who stumbled into our store because it's throwing down outside -- a one-day-only opportunity to rummage through Comicraft's remainder bin and snap up Comicrazy for a mere twenty dollars and fourteen cents rather than $395! And, yes, yes, yes, and thrice YES, EACH of our fonts will be on sale for $20.14, even the ones that usually cost $19! We're Cray Cray Crazy, we know!"
Note: the sale ends at Midnight in your time zone, not at Midnight in California, where ComicCraft is based, so place your orders accordingly!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Mars Attacks: the Musical! People FINALLY Catching on!

...there is NO Mars Attacks Broadway show in the works!
Bleeding Cool has posted an article HERE, restating the points we mentioned HERE!
Having worked on Broadway (Patrick Stewart's A Christmas CarolKreskin, and several others) and on Mars Attacks, both the 1990s comic and the movie), I had a gut feeling that this was just a joke.
A little bit of research (without even having to call anybody at Topps or Broadway producers I had worked with) confirmed what I thought.
The fact that most of the comics "journalists" (such as Comic Book Resources HERE) fell for such an obvious prank, reporting it as actual news, is a sad commentary on the intelligence of those so-called "reporters".

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(and a person with a functioning brain!)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Mars Attacks: the Musical...NOT!

As we point out at The Beat...
If it’s real, why isn’t a legit theatre producer’s name connected to it?
Why is it nobody outside of the comics/card trade press mentions it?
And one more giveaway…“Ever since I saw The Sound of Music as a youngster living in New York I have dreamed of a career on Broadway…” said Layman.
Layman was born in 1969.
The Sound of Music was staged on Broadway twice…in 1959-63 (before he was born) and 1998-99 (when he was 30, hardly a “youngster”)
Yet, Comic Book Resources, Geeks of Doom, and others act like it's real...

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Mars Attacks...AGAIN!

The series that inspired the wild Tim Burton movie is back...
Click on art to ENLARGE! Ack ack!
Originally developed as a series of trading cards, Mars Attacks was created by Len Brown and Woody Gelman, after Brown was inspired by the Wally Wood cover to Weird Science #16.
The cards went on to achieve cult status for their then-shocking imagery, fully painted by pulp legend Norm Saunders, and remains a staple of pop culture.
Topps revived the franchise in the mid 1990s with a sequel card set, several comic book series, a pair of hardcover novels, and a toy line.
The story was also adapted into the 1996 feature film, Mars Attacks!, directed by Tim Burton.

Debuting in summer 2012, IDW’s comic series will offer the first stories of an all-new Mars Attacks universe, bringing the brand’s outrageous action and dark humor to a new set of tales.