Showing posts with label Sky Captain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sky Captain. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

YouTube Wednesday: The John Carter Movies that Never Were...

You might have heard about a new John Carter of Mars movie...
...bud did you know about the movie versions that went as far as having test reels produced?
In 1931, legendary animator Bob Clampett worked with John Coleman Burroughs (Edgar Rice's son) to create the following piece...

No movie studio was interested in backing the project.
Most told Clampett that their audiences has no interest in "realistic" animation!
(The Fleischer Brothers proved them wrong with Superman in 1941...)

In 2004, Kerry Conran pitched a John Carter movie done in almost total CGI... the movie he just completed, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow!
If Sky Captain had done better business at the box office, Kerry undoubtedly would have been given the green light.
But, it didn't, and he wasn't.

The film that finally was produced after years of delays, rewrites, and changes in writers, directors, and cast, opens March 9th...

Looks good, and I'm hopeful it'll begin a franchise...

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Remember Sky Captain, the FIRST BlueScreen / CGI Flick? (Part 2)

To continue from my rant yesterday...
Now, how could a movie with Angelina Jolie looking incredibly-hot in black leather...
...Bai Ling equally hot in black leather and spandex...
...and really kool retro-styled cgi fighter aircraft fail?
Because they miscast the title character!
Instead of a strong, handsome, physical type like George Clooney or Ewan McGregor...we got pretty-boy Jude Law.
Picture Roger Moore instead of Sean Connery as the first James Bond.
Would the 007 series have lasted from 1962 to today?
Don't think so!
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow had everything going for it, except a decent lead actor!
Maybe it wouldn't have been as big as Avatar, but it could have at least broken even!

Thanks for letting me vent.
Back to the usual tomorrow...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Remember Sky Captain, the FIRST BlueScreen / CGI Flick?

'Way before Avatar, there was another big-budget flick featuring fantastic CGI enviroments,
futuristic technology
and weird creatures,
all done with blue-screen and cgi...
It was...
(as if you couldn't guess...)
and, it could have been one of the biggest hits of all time, except they let this man...
Jude Law, 
star as the title character!
More tomorrow...