Showing posts with label Russkies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russkies. Show all posts

Monday, February 24, 2025

Monday Madness A REAL-LIFE Super-Villain Team-Up???

Why Did Don da Con Take Putin's Side at the UN?
(And why did Israel also join Russia and North Korea?)
This example from Unquotable Trump by cartoonist R. Sikoryak, based on the cover for Marvel's Giant-Size Super-Villain Team-Up #2 (1975) by penciler Gil Kane and inker Al Milgrom shows what they have in common!

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Drawn & Quarterly Special Edition
by R. Sikoryak
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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Nazi Smashers are Joining the Russkie Smashers at Hero Histories!

Just as in the Dark Days of World War II...
...2025 is the Time to Take a Stand Against Nazis/Pseudo-Nazis!

Beginning Monday, our weekly "brother" RetroBlog, Hero Histories will be alternating the ongoing Russkie Smasher feature with Nazi Smashers!
Behold as a literal army of heroes joins the battle against the enemies of America, past and present!
Coming this Monday:
Blackhawk vs Hitler's Daughter
...which combines both Nazis and Russkies!
Wonder how?
Be HERE Monday to find out!

Friday, November 8, 2024

Friday Fascist Fun / Trump Reading Room UNQUOTABLE TRUMP "Giant-Size Super-Leader Team-Up: Trump & Putin"

Vlad Putin Has Praised Don da Con's "Win"!
Wonder Why???
This example from Unquotable Trump by cartoonist R. Sikoryak, based on the cover for Marvel's Giant-Size Super-Villain Team-Up #2 (1975) by penciler Gil Kane and inker Al Milgrom shows what they have in common!

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Drawn & Quarterly Special Edition
Unquotable Trump
by R. Sikoryak
Paid Link

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Space Hero Saturdays BLACKHAWK "Battle on the Moon"

Since today is Veterans Day, let's look at the post-war adventures of a team of WWII vets... these Commie-crushing Russkie-Smashers fight for freedom everywhere on Earth...and beyond!
BTW, note the Blackhawks don't walk around the airless vacuum on the Moon's surface in the story itself wearing just their leather uniforms with helmets!
(Nor does the leggy Russkie woman wear just her shorts!)
Though the writer of this never-reprinted tale from Quality's Modern Comics #99 (1950) is unknown, it's illustrated by penciller John Forte and inker Chuck Cuidera.
The "Dark Knights", as they're often referred to, went whole-heartedly after Russkie and Chinese Communists during the post-World War II days of their Quality Comics run.
But, when the characters continued at DC after Quality closed up shop, other opponents like mad scientists, aliens, and the occasional ex-Nazi, took center stage, along with newly-created super villains until the middle-aged aviators became superheroes/spies in the Swinging '60s as shown

(You truly have to see it to believe it!)
Trivia: John Forte is better-known to present-day comics readers as the primary artist on the first few years of The Legion of Super-Heroes' run in Adventure Comics, while Blackhawk co-creator Chuck Cuidera remained on the strip after DC took it over, almost to the very end of the Silver Age run!
Plus, Cuidera inked Dick Dillin (who penciled almost all the DC Blackhawk stories) on Dillin's Hawkman run after Blackhawk was cancelled!
And, in an ironic turn, that the Blackhawks adopted uniforms surprisingly-similar to the Russkies' outfits in this story when they entered a "scientific adventurer" phase in the early 1960s...

..yet nobody noticed!
(Of course it was over a decade later...)

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Friday, July 14, 2023

Friday Fun RICHIE RICH "Military Mix-Up"

The Dreaded Deadline Doom caught us this week... enjoy this carry-over from our brother RetroBlogHero Histories, featuring The Poor Little Rich Boy kicking Russkie butt in this tale from Harvey's Richie Rich #51 (1966)!
Whatta guy!
And he didn't even have to become Super-Richie/Rippy... do it!
(If you think there's a lot of Spider-Man or Batman titles out now...and there are quite a's nothing compared to Richie Rich at his peak, when there were...take a deep breath...
32 simultaneous monthly, bi-monthly and quarterly Richie Rich Universe titles!
And that's not including Casper, Sad Sack, and all the other non-Richie Rich Harvey titles!
You read that right, True Believer!
By the way, they were all selling better than almost everything Marvel and DC has out there now!
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Thursday, February 23, 2023

Is "Tomorrow's War" Almost Here?

Nuclear war with the Russkies!
In 1953, we thought it might occur around 1972... this never-reprinted tale from Youthful's Atomic Attack #5 (1953) shows!
Read it HERE, at our "brother" RetroBlog War: Past, Present & Future...before it's too late!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Does Imperialist Running Dog Putin Realize World War III Already Happened?

Nuclear Armageddon occurred in 1960...
...not once, but twice!
At least, that was the basis for two different series from the same publisher running simultaneously in 1952; Atomic War! and World War III!
Oddly, the premiere issue of World War III presented a similar series of events to the first issue of Atomic War, but in a slightly-different time-frame, and a different order!
There were no cross-overs and certain events and available technology were very different in the two titles, indicating the two series were alternate universe / multiverse versions of each other!
BTW, Atomic War! came first, in November, 1952, with a second issue following in December, then going bi-monthly in February and April, 1953.
World War III ran in March and May of 1953, the months Atomic War! wasn't published, giving kids of the era a monthly fix of future fun!
Noted comics, pulp, and paperback author Robert Turner wrote both issues of World War III, but the writer(s) of Atomic War! are unknown.
With Russia threatening us with nuclear annihilation (again), we thought we'd call your attention to our re-presentation of these kool examples of Cold War paranoia at our "brother" RetroBlog ™War: Past, Present & Future™.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Friday Fun ZANY "Russian Bubble-Gum Cards"

Americans have obsessed about Russians for over half a century... this never-reprinted feature written by editor Dick Richards and illustrated by Ricahrd Doxsee from Candar's Zany #4 (1959) proves!
To explain some of the references:
"Bubble-gum cards" are trading cards, which haven't included bubble gum in the packaging for decades!
(The sugar in the gum damaged the cards!)
"Mel Stalin" is based on Mel Allen, longtime play-by-play announcer for the New York Yankees.
"Dr Wherner von Foofnick" is loosely-based on Dr Werner von Braun, inventor of the V-2 rocket who later created the Saturn V rocket for NASA.
(German scientists ended up working for both the USA and USSR on various projects including the respective countries' space programs.)
"Henry Fordsky" is based on automobile innovator Henry Ford.
"Edvard R. Murovitch" is based on radio/TV newsman Edward R. Murrow.
"Mickey Mantlevitch" is based on Baseball Hall of Fame New York Yankee Mickey Mantle.
And the fact I have to explain who and what these things are makes me feel very old...

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Sunday, May 1, 2022

Russkies in Iran: T-MAN "Death Trap in Iran" & "Trouble's Double"

What happens when you combine Russkies and Iran in a spy story?
Besides a Repug's wet-dream, you get this kick-butt tale from Quality's T-Man #3 (1952)!
But, that's not all!
There's also this sanitized-for-your-protection, Comics Code-modified reprint from Quality's T-Man #31 (1956), which waters down all the kool hard-boiled elements from the original tale...and makes the Russkies into generic "Communists"!
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