Showing posts with label prozine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prozine. Show all posts

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Reading Room SCREAM DOOR "Hey Buddy, Can You Lend Me a..."

This tale, written and illustrated in 1970-71, embodies two problems...
...the "collector mind-set", and extrapolating future technology based on what currently-exists!
Most of this blog's readers, as well as myself, share (to an extent) Gerson's attitude about collectibles, though perhaps not a willingness to die before giving them up!
Overall, this tale, written and illustrated by Michael (The Shadow) Kaluta, holds up well in a Twilight Zone-esque fashion.
However, the idea that a derelict land-line phone would, after a couple of centuries, still be hooked up to a functioning network defies belief in 2024, since few of our still-standing public phones are still operational!
Add to that the fact nobody in the tale carries some sort of personal communication device, as was common in sci-fi/fantasy tales written since the 1930s and set in the near-future, and what was delightfully-ironic in the 1970s seems quaint and improbable from a 21st Century viewpoint!
Notes: Scream Door, the prozine this tale appeared in, consisted mostly of material meant for the legendary magazine Web of Horror.
When Web was cancelled as of #3, almost all of the already-completed stories for later issues ended up in either this one-shot or the three-issue series I'll Be Damned, by the same publisher.
"Buddy..." also appeared in Marvel's b/w magazine Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction #1 (1975).
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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Trump Reading Room "Sinner"

If you wonder what sort of mindset would allow "God-fearing" evangelicals... support a proven heathen like Don da Con, as The Chosen of the Lord, perhaps this over half-century old tale will offer some insight...
In case you have trouble reading the marker, here it is...enlarged...
Originally published in the wonderful Silver Age prozine, Witzend #1, in 1966, this Archie Goodwin-scripted and illustrated tale has also appeared in Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction Special #1 (1976) and Epic Illustrated #2 (1980), never losing it's impact!
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Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder ROBBIE

Here's a kool project that, unfortunately, never reached fruition.
You'd think combining elements of Little Nemo in SlumberLand with Flash Gordon should've been an easy sell in the 1960s.
But, this two-page labor of love by writer Len (Mars Attacks) Brown and Al (Flash Gordon) Williamson was presented to the syndicates at a time when the only adventure strips were "legacy" series with an already-existing following.
So, it was consigned to the dustbin of history, published in the same 1962 issue of the b/w fan/prozine Fantasy Illustrated that last Thursday's "Life Battery" originally-appeared in.
They've popped up several times since, at least once at original art size!
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Thursday, May 19, 2022

Perez Reading Room HOT STUF' "Uncle Sal and Cousin John Go Planet-Tripping"

This illustration by the late George Perez is not related to the story below...'s just incredibly-kool.
Note that the above was created only four years after the tale below was produced for Sal Quartuccio's fanzine/prozine Hot Stuf' #1 (1974).
Before websites like DeviantArt, such zines (sold at conventions and the then-new comic book stores) were the primary way for fans-turning-pros like George Perez to get their work out into the public's eye!
Written by Hot Stuf' editor Bob Keenan and inked by Bob Garrison, this was one of George Perez's earliest published tales.
And, to answer an obvious question, there was never a sequel to this "Harold and Kumar Meet Conan the Barbarian"-type story!
Perez was working as an assistant to already-established artist Rich Buckler (who also had a story in this issue) at the time, and George's first Marvel work, the final Gullivar Jones of Mars story (shown HERE) was published a couple of months after this!
The rest, as they say, is history...