Showing posts with label Mothra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mothra. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: Mothra Madness!

I recently caught the Rebirth of Mothra trilogy on Action...
...and, boy, did it BLOW!
I ran, screaming, back to my Classic Media DVD set for some REAL Mothra action with real Mothra fairies...
First, the original teaser trailer with ONLY preproduction art plus the first trailer with the Peanuts (btw, the trailer narrator was also the narrator and the Robot on Lost in Space, Dick Tufeld)...

 (also the original kool Japanese trailer...)

From Ghidorah: the Three-Headed Monster...the Peanuts return...

From Godzilla vs Mothra (1992)...the Cosmos...

...and noted horror host Svengoolie does a "Where Are They Now?" segment...