Showing posts with label Imagination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Imagination. Show all posts

Thursday, April 29, 2021


"What are Saturn's rings made of?"
Writer/artist Jeffrey Jones had a better question...What if it wasn't what we thought it was?
Jones' short tale in David Jablan Publishing's one-shot fanzine Imagination (1971) offered a cool explanation.
Remember, the first probe to pass near Saturn, Pioneer 11, didn't do so until 1979!
While it was theorized that ice and rocks made up the rings, there was no way to verify it!
So the tale, though improbable, was not unreasonable!
By the time Pacific Comics reprinted the story in their anthology Jeffrey Jones: Ravens and Rainbows (1983), several probes (including two Voyagers) had done flybys and analysis.
Sadly, they didn't find a Sargasso Sea of Space...
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