Showing posts with label comic books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comic books. Show all posts

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Reading Room MAGAZINELAND U.S.A. Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...

...on the 50th Anniversary of their current plant's "christening" the operators of the largest comic book/comic strip printing facility in America celebrated with a promotional comic detailing how a comic book was created and printed!
After covering the editorial and preparation processes (and segueing into a photo album about the "early days") we now return to the printing plant itself...

As you can see, this was a major operation...

Besides the comic, there were tours of the facility.
This one, during the June 18th, 1977, featured Phil Seuling, known as the Father of the Direct Market and Comic Book Stores!

And that's how comics were produced from the 1930s until the early 1980s, when going to offset printing resulted in a slow transition to Canadian printers.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Reading Room MAGAZINELAND U.S.A. Part 1

We Now Wrangle with Tariffs That Will Raise the Price of Comics & Graphic Novels...
...because the vast majority are printed in Canada!
But let's look back at when America printed its' own comic books...courtesy of this 1977 promotional comic celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the printing plant building, packaged by the then-brand new Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art!
This behind-the-scenes look at how comics were produced will conclude Thursday!

Friday, January 24, 2025

Friday Fun HILLBILLY COMICS "Man Who Hated the Moon!"

 Here's a tale of a guy like the good ol' boys who support the disgraced, impeached (yet re-elected) President...

...from a short-lived 1950s title telling their stories!
Yep, these are the people Don da Con and other Republicans play to while decrying the "educated elites".
"Bubbleville', according to Repug Mike Huckabee, represents the big cities of New York, Washington and Hollywood where the educated (but not smart) people live.
"Bubbaville", I guess, is everywhere else in the good ol' USA.
And that's where the "real people" are.
The ones who are smart...without all that fancy book-learnin'. 
The ones we city-folk call "deplorables"!
Written and illustrated by the highly-underrated Art Gates, this never-reprinted piece from Charlton's Hillbilly Comics #1 (1955) shows the "wisdom" the Cheeto Benito's audience is famous for!

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Nazi Smashers are Joining the Russkie Smashers at Hero Histories!

Just as in the Dark Days of World War II...
...2025 is the Time to Take a Stand Against Nazis/Pseudo-Nazis!

Beginning Monday, our weekly "brother" RetroBlog, Hero Histories will be alternating the ongoing Russkie Smasher feature with Nazi Smashers!
Behold as a literal army of heroes joins the battle against the enemies of America, past and present!
Coming this Monday:
Blackhawk vs Hitler's Daughter
...which combines both Nazis and Russkies!
Wonder how?
Be HERE Monday to find out!

Monday, January 20, 2025


On the day we honor the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr, the gang at Atomic Kommie Comics™ thought it only appropriate to help present this item, the first comic book dramatizing his historic efforts.
From the website's intro to the comic...
Many sane thinkers consider MLK to be an important and historic larger-than-life icon, but how did that happen?
Especially given the marginalized press coverage of blacks in the 50s, how was his message galvanized among southern minorities and then spread as a single statement beyond the black community -- and how was it focused so specifically to such seemingly ignorable or boring local incidents as one black woman's refusal to give up a bus seat and a following small-town bus boycott, as well as the concept of Passive Resistance?
Without any need for hyperbole, this comic book is one of the reasons.

Produced by the Fellowship of the Reconciliation and sent very surreptitiously throughout the South (it was dangerous for many to own a copy), then translated, re-drawn, and distributed once again throughout the entire SOUTHERN CONTINENT through Mexico, into Central and then South America, this comic tells the story that established the myth of Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks at the time that it mattered, mere months after news events occurred.
Intended for adults, but shown in comic book format for the largest possible distribution and audience and instruction.

It was also produced as a comic because more adult seeming publications and newspapers were often destroyed by white businessmen and other violent types bent on continuing segregation's grip on the South.
But that does not mean people found distributing copies of this comic were not given their fair share of beatings and harassment, nor does it mean thousands of copies were not often destroyed.
Why? This comic is and was dangerously honest.
Featuring the Klan (lynching, bombs, burning crosses), Jim Crow laws, and the entire concept of Nonviolent Protest.
This pamphlet offered advice and instructions on how to use passive resistance and massive non-violent resistance against segregation, just as these ideas were fresh --and it also established a clear connection of MLK to Gandhi, a public connection that continues on to today.

A copy of this comic is held in the Smithsonian and many Civil Rights leaders recognize this as one of the most important AND PERSUASIVE items of the 50s in establishing or explaining their cause to the world, as well as giving many black youths the courage and direction to hold their own political protests.
Many notable sit-ins and demonstrations link to this comic book getting into the right hands - and it did get around, literally devoured by black college students at the time.

We're DELIGHTED to offer you not just the American version of this comic but also the SPANISH edition, of which maybe two or three copies are known to exist.
After extensive effort and search, we were able to find a copy in Uruguay.
Not joking. Completely redrawn and translated, click back and forth to compare art, some of the differences between the two are great.
Ever wonder how much influence and power a small press or self-produced item can have?
This is one of the best examples you'll ever see.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Reading Room OUT OF THIS WORLD "Antique Collectors"

What's "antique" really depends on your point of view... this tiny tale (from 1959) demonstrates!
Cars from 1959 are extremely collectible now, and it's only 66 years later!
Both the writer and artist of this story from Charlton's Out of This World #13 (1959) are, sadly, unknown.
Support Atomic Kommie Comics!
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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Reading Room LOST WORLDS "Space Race"

If you think a high-speed auto race is fun...
...what if the race was between high-speed spacecraft?

This is the sort of story that proves the trope that most sci-fi of the Golden Age was just re-written Western stories.
Replace the horse or stagecoach with a spaceship, six-shooters with ray blasters, and Indians with aliens, and voila, a sci-fi story!
This never-reprinted tale from Lost Worlds #6 (1954) was penciled by John Celardo and inked by Bernard Sachs.
The writer is unknown.
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Friday, January 10, 2025

Frigid Friday Fun WILD! "Frozen North"

A never-reprinted story from one of Atlas Comics' many MAD comic clones... our snowbound story for today, as a cold wave continues to cover most of America!
Did you catch the cameo by the Golden Age Human Torch on page 3 panel 3, asking if this book was Young Men Comics (where he was appearing in 1954)?
This tale from Wild! #1 (1954) was illustrated by Sol Brodsky, who, while better-known to aficionados as Atlas/Marvel's production manager than as an artist, actually had over 1,000 stories and covers to his credit!
(He inked Jack Kirby's Fantastic Four #3 and #4 as well as Kirby's iconic cover for Avengers #16!)
Sadly, little of the material from Atlas' four humor titles from the 1950s has been reprinted, despite the fact that some of their "big names" like Bill Everett, Joe Maneely, Gene Colan, and Russ Heath all contributed stories that went far afield from their usual "realistic" styles...with amazing results!
Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics
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Thursday, January 9, 2025

Reading Room WEIRD WONDER TALES / STRANGE TALES "When a Planet Dies!"

The current "deep freeze" covering the USA reminded me of the splash panel from this story...
...from Marvel's Weird Wonder Tales #22 (1973), which was actually a reworking of this (literally) kool splash page from a cool story from Atlas' Strange Tales #97 (1962)!
While the art is credited to Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers, who wrote it is not entirely clear.
A number of people, myself included, think it's scripted by Kirby!
Bonus: Here's the original art for the cover from a previous issue of Weird Wonder Tales that supplied the Dr Druid figure on the reworked splash page above...
Art by pencilers Jack Kirby and John Romita Sr (Dr Druid's face), and inker Joe Sinnott.
Now, here's the original art for the Strange Tales story's splash page...
Marvel production artist "flipped" a photostat of the Dr Druid figure from the Weird Wonder Tales cover and replaced the bearded aliens with it on a photostat of this splash page!
No original art was harmed in the making of the new splash! page!