Showing posts with label Pelican Publishing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pelican Publishing. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Reading Room GREEN GIANT COMICS "Fear the Wrath of...The Researcher!"

Next to "The Listener" (DC), "The Witness", or "The Watcher" (both Marvel), probably the least frightening name for a comic hero is...
...however, this guy could make the name synonymous with "action hero"!
“Criminals are a cowardly superstitious lot, so my disguise must be able to strike terror into their hearts.”
As if in answer, a book falls from a nearby shelf.
“A book!
That’s it!
It’s an omen…I shall become a RESEARCHER!”
And thus is born this weird figure of the library…this avenger of evil!
The Researcher!"
(Actually, that never happened, it's just a rephrasing of The Batman's origin from Batman V1N1 (1940)!)
Who is The Researcher?
We never learn his real name.
Everyone calls him "Researcher"...even his girlfriend.
Where did he get the money for his kool weaponry and equipment?
Is he independently-wealthy or does he bill clients?
He hob-nobs with the upper crust, including diplomats, politicians and rich businessmen.
Did he start out as a librarian?
Many are the mysteries surrounding...The Researcher!
Unfortunately, this short strip from Pelican's Green Giant Comics #1 (1940) was his only appearance anywhere!
Pity, since he has a lot of potential.
Frank Thomas, the writer/artist behind this strip created a number of detective-themed characters in the Golden Age including The EyeThe Owl, and Dr Hypno.