Showing posts with label obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obama. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2011

Sometimes Truth, Justice, and The American Way DO Triumph!

Now THIS is the guy we elected...
...faster than a filibuster, more powerful than the Speaker of the House, able to leap tall Tea Partyers at a single bound...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tax Cuts for Corporations & the Rich...

I don't usually get involved in politics on this blog...
but this whole budget mishigas in Washington has me confused.
Why can't we tax the rich?
Why can't we tax corporations?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Alex Ross+Barack Obama=SuperShirt!

Take super-star artist Alex Ross.
Add super-politican Barack Obama.
What do you get?
Officially, it's called Obama: Time for a Change.
In reality, it's the coolest Presidential campaign shirt in history!
Buy It! NOW!
Wear it proudly!
'Nuff said.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Vote FOR Terror--The Black Terror, that is! ;-)

Anyone can vote for Hillary or Barack.
But only you can rock the vote for the one-and-only Black Terror!
He knows what has to be done to those guys in Washington, and you know he'll do it!
Show you don't take no s#1t from anyone!
Proudly wear the Atomic Kommie Comics candidate who will clean up politics (and leave a bloody trail in the process)!
He's as relevant now as in the 1940s, where this classic cover first appeared during the Golden Age of Comics.
Go to Black Terror & Tim and cast your vote with the one thing that really counts...your wallet!
While you're there, you might want to visit the other Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics.
(And don't forget to see his current adventures in Alex Ross' Project SuperPowers, on sale now at comics shops everywhere! BUY IT!)