Showing posts with label Barsoom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barsoom. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

JOHN CARTER Movie WallPapers

WallPapers from the movie website in various formats by clicking HERE!
Yeah, it's Dejah Thoris (Lynn Collins), not John Carter.
I wanted to start with her...for obvious reasons.
You got a problem with that?
Didn't think so. ;-)
They should have called the film John Carter and the Princess of Mars.
Hits all the demographic bases: Men, women, teens, tweens, sf/fantasy fans, romance fans, Disney Princess fans, etc.
Sequels based on the books could have been...
John Carter and the Gods of Mars
John Carter and the WarLord of Mars
John Carter and Thuvia of Mars
John Carter and the ChessMen of Mars
John Carter and the MasterMind of Mars
John Carter and the Fighting Men of Mars
John Carter and the Swords of Mars
John Carter and the Synthetic Men of Mars
John Carter and Llana of Mars
John Carter of Mars
If the series did original tales they would also use the "John Carter and..." format for the titles.
Hey, it worked for Harry Potter and Indiana Jones, didn't it?

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Reading Room: GULLIVAR JONES "Web of Hate"

The John Carter movie opens this week (March 9th)...
Meanwhile, we're continuing the adventures of his swashbuckling predecessor on Mars, Gullivar Jones, as we present, from the b/w magazine Monsters Unleashed #4 (1974), the first all-new, never-reprinted, sequel strip, produced by two newcomers to Marvel...
Dave Cockrum had been doing some inking over various pencilers including Rich Buckler, Don Heck, and George Tuska on The Avengers, but this was his first full art (Pencils and inks) assignment at Marvel.
Tony Isabella had co-plotted/scripted a number of other stories including the last Doc Savage two-parter with Gardner Fox, but this appears to be his first solo effort as a writer.
It's a fine job by both of them.

There's one more Gullivar Jones tale to be told.
And, like this one, it featured the Marvel debut of another soon-to-be superstar!
You're going to have to come back on Thursday to find out!

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Monday, March 5, 2012

Reading Room: GULLIVAR JONES "Two Worlds to Win!"

The John Carter movie opens this week (March 9th)...
Art by Jim Steranko
Meanwhile, we're continuing the adventures of his swashbuckling predecessor on Mars, Gullivar Jones, as we present, from Creatures on the Loose #21 (1973), the sixth (and final) chapter of the short-lived, never-reprinted, comic adaptation...
People did write, and though Gullivar Jones' four-color adventures were at an end, he returned with new graphic adventures in a Marvel title only a year later!
But that's a story for another time...

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Design of the Week--Riders of Barsoom

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...with a new big-budget movie based on the classic Edgar Rice Burroughs book A Princess of Mars opening this week, now's the time to pick up a collectible t-shirt, tote bag, mini-button, or other wearable featuring kool vintage painted art to have on hand when you go to a screening, or the opening day, of John Carter (If you're reading this blog, you know you'll be in line, like me!)
Go "secret chic" with a throw blanket to lay on the cold movie theatre floor while you wait in line at the midnight show or a tote bag to carry your "forbidden" food and drink into the theatre featuring Dejah Thoris, John Carter, and their Thoat, and see how many true fans recognize it!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Reading Room: GULLIVAR JONES "What Price Victory?"

The John Carter movie is only a week away (March 9th)...
Art by Gil Kane
Meanwhile, we're continuing the adventures of his swashbuckling predecessor on Mars, Gullivar Jones, as we present, from Creatures on the Loose #20 (1972), the fifth chapter of the short-lived, never-reprinted, comic adaptation...
Has Gullivar been reunited with Heru only to die on the red Martian sands?
(Remember, there was only one Gullivar Jones book!
No sequel!)
When next we meet up with's the fearsome finale of this story!
Note: Gray Morrow steps up to assume the art chores (pencils and inks) for the final two issues of Gullivar's Creatures on the Loose run.

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Friday, March 2, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Reading Room: GULLIVAR JONES "Long Road to Nowhere"

The John Carter movie is only a week away (March 9th)...
Art by Gil Kane and Frank Giacoia
Meanwhile, we're continuing the adventures of his swashbuckling predecessor on Mars, Gullivar Jones, as we present, from Creatures on the Loose #19 (1972), the fourth chapter of the short-lived, never-reprinted, comic adaptation...
To be continued HERE!
The artist round-robin continues as long-time Superman artist Wayne Boring steps in for an issue, inked by long-time Supergirl artist Jim Mooney!
At this time, Boring also did the first three issues (#22-24) of the 1972 revival of Captain Marvel.
George Alec Effinger goes solo on the scripting and continues to the end of the series in Creatures on the Loose #21.
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