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Classic DareDevil, which includes Silver Streak Comics #7 (DD's first cover appearance), DareDevil Comics #1 (the famous DareDevil vs Hitler issue), DareDevil Comics #13 (the FIRST Wise Guys), Daredevil Comics #31 (Final appearance of the Claw), and several other classic covers showcasing Charles Biro's amazing design sense!
Extra Bonus: The Splash Panel from page 1 of DareDevil Comics #1!
Classic Captain Future, which includes BOTH Captains Future--the original pulp hero who was renamed "Major Mars" in his comics incarnation in Exciting Comics, and the totally-new character created for Startling Comics (He's the one now known as "Zeus" in Project SuperPowers). We have all three first appearances as well as numerous other covers!
Classic Amazing-Man, featuring a dozen spectacular covers by Bill Everett and Sam Glanzman, including John Aman's first and final appearances!
Classic Cat-Man, with his first cover appearance (but second actual comic appearance) in Crash Comics, as well as ten of his own title, and an Australian Cat-Man cover for good measure! And there's lots of Kitten here as well, good-girl fans!
Classic Monster of Frankenstein, with a dozen Dick Briefer covers spanning both the humorous and macabre incarnations of Mary Shelley's character!
Captain Midnight, the best of his covers spanning his appearances in The Funnies to his own title, including Captain Midnight #1 with the Golden Age Captain Marvel introducing him!
Mr District Attorney, 12 law-abiding covers by the Bob Kane Studios (Y'know, the guys who did ALL the Batman comic books until Carmine Infantino took over in 1965!) featuring one of the greatest radio-tv crimebusters of the 40s-50s!
There's also lots of revised versions of previous calendars, as well as a half dozen new ones we're still working on that'll be available by the weekend!
Buy 'em! Trade 'em! Collect them ALL! (just kidding!)
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