Saturday, June 10, 2023

Space Hero Saturdays LANCE LEWIS: SPACE DETECTIVE "Amoeba Men of Saturn"

Another Golden Age interstellar private eye joins our feature... he meets the first of two alien races who will become his arch-foes, and rescues the woman who will become his constant...(ahem)...friend and companion!
Referred to as both "Saturnians" and "Amoeba Men", these aliens would return to wage a full-scale interplanetary war with Earth.
This story from Nedor/Standard's Mystery Comics #4 (1944) was Lance's second appearance ever.
Both the writer and artist are currently unknown, even to the Grand Comic Database.
Since Mystery Comics was cancelled as of #4, Lance moved over to Startling Comics, where he became the cover feature from his premiere in #44 to the book's demise as of #53.
Several years after this series ended, an unrelated Space Detective series written by Walter (The Shadow) Gibson with art by Wally Wood and Joe Orlando ran in its own title at Avon Comics.
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Friday, June 9, 2023

Friday Fun 50s FUNNIES "Hot Sox the Teenage Devil Delinquent! in 'I Sold My Soul for Rock'N'Roll!' "

He's not who you think...
...he's a lot snarkier, but still PG-13, so kids can read him!
But he's not Comics Code-approved!
You've been warned!
As you may have guessed, Hot Sox was a parody of...
..."taken to 11" as they said in This is Spinal Tap!
Written by Larry Shell & Scott Shaw! and illustrated by Shaw! (Yes, the "!" is part of his name), he made his one and only appearance in Kitchen Sink Press' 50s Funnies (1980), a one-shot (and never-reprinted) anthology about (you guessed it) 1950s pop culture...from a 1980s viewpoint!
The impressive list of contributors included Steve Bissette, William Stout, Rick Veitch, Will Meugniot, John Totleben, and Alfredo Alcala!
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(The Hot Sox color pageat the beginning of the post was the comic's back cover!)

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Reading Room WORLD OF SUSPENSE "Mechanical Man!"

As artificial intelligence advances into almost every aspect of daily life...

...let see how the creatives of the 1950s envisioned how it might occur!
Yes, it's the "It was all a dream!" cliche!
The writer of this never-reprinted tale from Atlas' World of Suspense #1 (1956) is unknown, so we can't directly heap scorn upon him for using such a timeworn trope to get out of his own plotting without really solving it!
OTOH, artist Chuck Miller, who broke into comics illustrating a single story before being drafted, then returned after the war to work steadily until the industry almost collapsed in the mid-1950s due to the "Seduction of the Innocent" debacle, does a commendable job with what he's given to work with!

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Wednesday, June 7, 2023


The Silver Surfer directs the ever-hungry god-like being called Galactus to a world filled with well as teeming with sentient life!
The world is...Earth!
The sentient life...human beings!
But, after observing humans close-up (instead of from orbit), the Herald of Galactus comes to the conclusion that allowing the Planet Devourer to wipe them out to sustain himself is wrong, and attempts to convince his master to let him find an alternate world to ingest and leave Earth and its' inhabitants intact.
Galactus refuses...
As our tale diverges in an entirely-new direction from the saga of the Silver Surfer as we know it in the Marvel Universe, we bid you adieu, dear reader, until next Wednesday...
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