Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Reading Room WORLD OF FANTASY "When Will They Come?"

At one time or another, we all think we don't fit in and don't belong where we are...
...perhaps we're more like our nameless protagonist than we think!
This never-reprinted tale from Atlas' World of Fantasy #1 (1956) certainly offers an original excuse for breaking up with someone!
"I discovered I was an alien left behind on Earth, but now my people have come back for me so I can't see you any more."
While the writer is unknown, the artist is Robert "Bob" Bean, who's had an interesting career.
After illustrating stories and covers in almost every genre for numerous publishers including Atlas, Avon, St John, Charlton, Toby, and Lev Gleason, he left comics in the late 1950s and helped found Wylde Films, an industrial movie studio and is currently has also producing and directing cartooning correspondence course videos for Joe Kubert's World of Cartooning.

Monday, February 8, 2016


...actually, we haven't seen this, since it's an unused pencil page by Jack (King) Kirby from the sequence you're about to read.
Galactus' creation, Ardina, attempts to sway the Silver Surfer from defending Earth (and humanity) against the Planet Devourer.
But, if anything, she strengthens his resolve and he attempts to break through the barrier Galactus has placed around Earth to once more do battle with the towering alien!
However, the force field is too strong, and the Skyrider of the Spaceways plummets, drained, back to the planet's surface...
Who has saved the Surfer...and why?

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Valentine's Day Comic Book Cover Greeting Cards

For our final Valentine's Day-themed post for 2016, here's a link to a one-stop storefront for all your retro comic book cover greeting card needs!
The interiors are blank for you to add your own thoughts, inspired by the covers.
Yes, this art's by Marvel legend John Buscema!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Show the lady you love that she's your HEROINE on Valentine's Day!

If you'd like to show your woman that you appreciate her strength as well as her beauty, why not give her a Valentine's Day gift that symbolizes exactly that?
We offer dozens of designs showing powerful women doing what they do best!
Whether it's '70s psychedelic or '40s retro, we have a heroine to suit your needs!
There's a kool variety of products ranging from his-and-her garb to mugs and mousepads to messenger and tote bags to blank sketchbooks!
Check out Heroines™!
Your lady (and you) will be glad you did!

Friday, February 5, 2016

RAUMPATROUILLE "Die Raumfalle" (Space Trap)

Welcome to the penultimate episode of 1960s' Germany's counterpoint to Star Trek...
...as the crew of the Orion is assigned to attempt to prove the theory that life on Earth originated in outer space.
Sounds sedate, eh?
Mix in a passenger who happens to be a science-fiction writer seeking inspiration for his next novel, a stopover at a penal colony, plus a mad scientist who tries to hijack the ship, and you get a space opera episode jam-packed with thrills!

Note: We've tried to embed the English subtitles, but if they don't come up automatically, go to the "gear" icon on the lower right of the video screen, and set them manually.)