Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Reading Room HILLBILLY COMICS "Man Who Hated the Moon"

Here's a tale of the good ol' boys who former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee calls "Bubbas"...
...from a short-lived 1950s title telling their stories!
Yep, these are the people Huckabee and other Republicans play to while decrying the "educated elites".
"Bubbleville', according to Mike, represents the big cities of New York, Washington and Hollywood where the educated (but not smart) people live.
"Bubbaville", I guess, is everywhere else in the good ol' USA.
And that's where the real people are.
The ones who are smart...without all that fancy book-learnin'. 
Written and illustrated by the highly-underrated Art Gates, this never-reprinted piece from Charlton's Hillbilly Comics #1 (1955) shows the "wisdom" Huckabee's bubbas are famous for!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Ghost of the Polar Vortex!

The media build-up for the "Blizzard of '15" reminded me of this tale...
...I ran during the Polar Vortex last year!
But the reality was disappointing, not even equal to the impact of the Vortex!
(Though seeing NYC brought to a total standstill, without even the subways running, was eerie!)
BTW, you can check out all the Polar Vortex-themed posts from this blog HERE.
And, there are Vortex-related posts on almost all the other RetroBlogs as well...

Monday, January 26, 2015

Reading Room JUNGLE JIM "Wizard of Dark Mountain"

Dynamite isn't the first comic publisher to inject sci-fi/fantasy elements...
...into this usually "realistic" high adventure strip!
Written and laid-out by Bhob Stewart, pencilled by Steve Ditko, and inked by Wally Wood. this cover-featured story from Charlton's Jungle Jim #22 (1969) was prepared for the character's previous publisher, King Comics, but ended up at Charlton when King Features Syndicate dropped in-house comic book publishing.
You can read Bhob's account of how this story was produced HERE.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

LAST WEEK for 25% Off on 2015 12-Month Calendars

Classic comic book and pulp magazine covers and movie posters, scanned from the originals and digitally-remastered and restored!
Normally $19.99!
From NOW to Midnight Jan. 31 (Saturday) night, all calendars are $14.99!
NOT available in stores, only on-line!
Order now...before time runs out! ;-)

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Reading Room REALITY "Endless Chain"

Long before the internet and DeviantArt, up-and-coming artists were published in fanzines... get their work in front of an audience, receive feedback, and make a few bucks!
Originally-drawn for Web of Horror, this early tale by Frank Brunner ended up in the first issue of Reality, a fanzine published in 1970 by 15-year old Robert Gerson.
When Web died after only three issues, a number of writers and artists had no market for their material without losing all the rights to it, so, in order to get it published to make a few bucks for their labor (and retain the copyrights), they let a young entepreneur use the stories in his fanzine, which was sold at conventions and in used book stores and head shops alongside underground comics.
(There were no comic book shops back then.)