Sunday, February 10, 2008

We need your help...

Steve Sadowski, penciller of Project SuperPowers posted a list of characters suggested by Alex Ross for use in the series. (Regrettably, Steve is leaving the series after doing an incredible job on #0!)
While not all of them were in #0, it's obviously Alex's intention to use them at some point in the story.
Here's the list with the characters that we at Atomic Kommie Comics have already immortalized in The Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics Series linked in.
Lady Satan
The Eagle and Buddy
Fearless Flint
Power Man
Magno and Davey
Man o' Metal
Boy King and Giant
Rainbow Boy
Air Man
Man of War (We have both the issues to scan, but the art for #1 is of such poor quality that, unless requested otherwise, we aren't considering using it. We have used #2.)
The Flame
Flame Girl
Blue Beetle (Scarab/Big Blue) and Sparky
Samson and David
V-Man and the V-Boys
The Green Mask and Domino
U.S. Jones
Blue Bolt
Sub Zero Man
Captain Battle and Captain Battle Jr.
The Black Owl
Yank and Doodle
Doc Strange
The Dart and Ace
American Crusader
American Eagle
Mr Face
Captain Courageous
The Super-American
Black Terror and Tim
Amazing Man
The Arrow
The Liberator
"Flash" Lightning and Lightning Girl
The Raven
Unknown Soldier
The Sword
The Flag
Green Lama
Grim Reaper
Black Venus
The Hood
RocketMan and RocketGirl aka Zip-Jets
Fighting Yank
Silver Streak
Captain Future
The Woman in Red
The Target and the Targeteers
Cat Man and Kitten
The Owl
Major Victory
Dynamic Man and Dynamic Boy
The Green Giant
The Claw
Here's where we need your help.
Besides the characters we've already utilized, which ones do you want to see as shirts, mugs, tote bags, etc.
By buying our collectibles, you've shown us which ones you want more of, and we've responded. Some characters have as many as five different cover images (including a number of 1st-appearance covers) available.
Of the remaining characters, which ones would you want to see as collectibles?
Let us know. If you want them, we'll produce them!
We have most of the books to scan from on hand. (If you have a particular favorite, we'll do it if we have the issue available.)
And one of the great things about our system is that we can do very limited runs at no additional cost!
So tell us what you want!
And (I can't emphasize this enough) BUY Project SuperPowers!

Friday, February 8, 2008

MORE "Lost" Heroes FOUND!

With Project SuperPowers a certified hit (If you haven't already picked it up, go BUY IT NOW!) and The Next Issue Project about to hit the stores, Atomic Kommie Comics has expanded our lineup of Golden Age heroes whose classic covers now adorn collectibles from T-Shirts to messenger bags to mugs, etc. in our Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics line!
America's Best Comics
Big 3
Air Man
Black Terror (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Boy King (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Captain Triumph (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
The Claw
The Clock
The Face aka "Mr Face"
Fantom of the Fair
Fighting Yank (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
The Flame
Golden Boy (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Green Lama (including a "1st cover appearance" cover image!)
HydroMan & Rainbow Boy (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Miss Masque "Masquerade" (including a "1st cover appearance" image!)
Monster of Frankenstein "F-Troop"
The Owl
Samson, who's in BOTH Project SuperPowers & The Next Issue Project! (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Silver Streak (including a "1st cover appearance" image!)
Sky Wizard
V-Man (one of the souls who make up "The American Spirit")
Zip-Jet/RocketMan & RocketGirl
Plus: a Solo Heroes section with characters who have only one cover image available at this point, including The Arrow, Amazing Man, Black Cobra, DareDevil (the 1940s original aka "the Death-Defying 'Devil"), Detective Eye, Doc Strange, Green Giant, Green Mask, PyroMan, & SkyMan. (But we're constantly adding new images as we acquire or borrow more Golden Age comics!)
And: Lost Heroes LogoWear with our retro-style logo!

And BUY Project SuperPowers & The Next Issue Project!

Monday, February 4, 2008

You, too, can be FIGHTING YANK! (or at least wear his uniform shirt)!

We at Atomic Kommie Comics are really blown away by Alex Ross' Project SuperPowers!
(What can I say, I'm a serious fanboy!)
In fact, besides the retro cover art we offer at Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics, we've started a line of "hero insignia" shirts which will come in handy come convention season in making uniforms for the costume contest!
First up is Fighting Yank, with a bold 48-star flag unfurling proudly on the chest (Remember, Hawaii & Alaska didn't become states until the late 1950s!) and a tiny official Lost Heroes logo on the back collar area (where it won't be seen under your cape!).
Available as a sweatshirt or long-sleeve t-shirt, depending on how much padding you feel you need to achieve the "heroic" look you want. Tricorn hat not included. Sorry.
And, we the usual assortment of other kool kollectibles like MousePads, Messenger Bags, Magnets, etc.
Coming soon: more Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics hero insignia shirts including Black Terror, Miss Masque, Targeteers, etc.
Plus: Comic Book Logo shirts 'n stuff using the original cover logos for Black Terror, Green Lama, Flame, etc, as well as the titles like America's Best Comics, Startling Comics, Exciting Comics, Silver Streak, etc. most of them started in before graduating to their own books!

Friday, February 1, 2008

War is Hell...but so is Love!

We at Atomic Kommie Comics know that the path of love is not always smooth, especially in wartime.
In tribute to the brave men and women of the armed forces, we've created a new section of True Love Comics Tales about military-based love comic books entitled WarTime Love just in time for Valentine's Day featuring greeting cards, teddy bears, clothing and a host of other goodies with vintage retro romance comic cover art.
Show your beloved, be they an officer, noncom, or GI Joe (or GI Jane) that you're thinking of them on Valentine's Day.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Heroes of the Golden Age Return...

I'm ecstatic to finally see Alex Ross' Project SuperPowers!
It's everything I hoped in a Golden Age revival; respectful to the original material, but willing to tread new ground. Beautiful covers, nice inside art (though I hear the artist will, unfortunately, be leaving soon.), clever writing.
Two words: BUY IT!

And, if after reading Project SuperPowers #0 (Available now! BUY IT!), you have a craving for kool kollectibles based on the ORIGINAL 1940s versions of the characters, pop over to Atomic Kommie Comics: Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics where their classic cover art has been digitally-restored and remastered onto goodies ranging from messenger bags to t-shirts to mousepads to blank sketchbooks to Lord-Knows-What-Else. It's NOT Alex Ross, but it IS some of the best comics art ever from greats like Mac Raboy, Lou Fine, Reed Crandall, and Alex Schomburg, among others! Plus: multiple cover images for a number of characters including Black Terror, Fighting Yank, The Face (Mr. Face), Miss Masque (Masquerade), Samson, The Flame, Green Lama, The Owl,and Frankenstein (F-Troop)