With Project SuperPowers a certified hit (If you haven't already picked it up, go BUY IT NOW!) and The Next Issue Project about to hit the stores, Atomic Kommie Comics has expanded our lineup of Golden Age heroes whose classic covers now adorn collectibles from T-Shirts to messenger bags to mugs, etc. in our Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics line!
America's Best Comics
Big 3
Air Man
Black Terror (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Boy King (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Captain Triumph (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
The Claw
The Clock
The Face aka "Mr Face"
Fantom of the Fair
Fighting Yank (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
The Flame
Golden Boy (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Green Lama (including a "1st cover appearance" cover image!)
HydroMan & Rainbow Boy (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Miss Masque "Masquerade" (including a "1st cover appearance" image!)
Monster of Frankenstein "F-Troop"
The Owl
Samson, who's in BOTH Project SuperPowers & The Next Issue Project! (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Silver Streak (including a "1st cover appearance" image!)
Sky Wizard
V-Man (one of the souls who make up "The American Spirit")
Zip-Jet/RocketMan & RocketGirl
Plus: a Solo Heroes section with characters who have only one cover image available at this point, including The Arrow, Amazing Man, Black Cobra, DareDevil (the 1940s original aka "the Death-Defying 'Devil"), Detective Eye, Doc Strange, Green Giant, Green Mask, PyroMan, & SkyMan. (But we're constantly adding new images as we acquire or borrow more Golden Age comics!)
And: Lost Heroes LogoWear with our retro-style logo!
And BUY Project SuperPowers & The Next Issue Project!
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Thanx for posting!