Showing posts with label movie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movie. Show all posts

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Pre-Black Friday Sale: 2018 Pop Culture Calendars!

Because it's become the most popular sale we've ever run, we're bringing back the  
Atomic Kommie Comics
2018 12-Month Calendars 
at a 25% discount!
Perfect for office, dorm, or bedroom!
The IDEAL gift for the hard-to-please pop culture fan in your life (or yourself)!
12 months of comic and pulp covers and/or movie posters!A FULL YEAR OF GRAPHIC FUN!
Sherlock Holmes: the Greatest Sleuth of All!

Basil Rathbone IS Sherlock Holmes!
WereWolves and Vampires
Vampires of Pulps and Comics
Werewolves of the Comics and Pulps
Zombies of Comics and Pulps
Classic comic book and pulp magazine covers and movie posters, scanned from the originals and digitally-remastered and restored!
NOT available in stores, only on-line!
And, until November 23, 2017, they're FIVE BUCKS CHEAPER!
Normally $19.99, they're only $14.99!
Order now...before time runs out!

Saturday, October 28, 2017


In 1992, Topps Comics adapted the movie Bram Stoker's Dracula...
...illustrated by the movie's production illustrator and noted comic artist Mike (Hellboy) Mignola!
Both the movie and the adaptation, perhaps the most faithful version of a movie ever, were hits!
With vampires in general a hot commodity in movies, tv, novels, and comics, Topps quickly followed-up with several projects including...
...Dracula: Vlad the Impaler...
...The Frankenstein-Dracula War
(Note: Topps had also adapted the movie Mary Shelley's Frankenstein)...
and Dracula vs Zorro...
Topps had acquired the rights to Zorro and apparently thought a good way to re-introduce the character to the comics audience would be to tie-in with the trendy lord of vampires.
After all, the graphic novel Red Rain, featuring The Batman and Dracula had sold amazingly-well, and Batman was a similar "dark heroic" character to Zorro, so writer Don McGregor and artist Tom Yeates came up with a story that could fit into both characters' continuity with a minimum of fuss.
Both Dracula (in flashback), and his victim, Carmelita, would turn up in the Zorro series (which ran 12 issues) once more.
(We'll present that story next week.)
Carmelita would become a regular in the Zorro spin-off series Lady Rawhide.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Reading Room 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY "New Seed" Conclusion

When Last We Left Our Beyond-Human Protaganist...
...once known as Gordon Pruett, he had been transformed by a Monolith into a "New Seed" who now wanders time and space the way you and I wander local streets...
The remaining three issues after this introduced X-51 aka "Mister Machine", renamed "Machine Man", and now an integral part of the mainstream Marvel Universe.
You can read them HERE, HERE, and HERE, and unless you have the actual issues of 2001 in your comics collection, this blog is the only place I know of where you can do so!
Though Marvel has reprinted the later ongoing Machine Man series, it can't reprint the three issues of 2001 introducing the character, nor can it reference the Monolith's participation in the character's origin due to licensing issues!
NOTE: This wasn't the first series set in the 2001: a Space Odyssey universe!
In 1971, Polystyle's comic weekly Countdown introduced an ongoing two-page strip set sometime after 2001...
It was much more in the Dan Dare/Buck Rogers action/adventure vein than the movie.
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Friday, October 6, 2017

Friday Fun 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY "New Seed" Part 1

Our final story details what happens to humans transformed by the Monoliths... described and rendered by the one and only Jack (King) Kirby!
Odd that none of the "New Seeds" bother to go back to Earth, eh?
Will this particular one just observe...or will it interfere?
Find Out...TOMORROW!
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Thursday, October 5, 2017

It's James Bond Day!

On this date, 55 years ago, the cinematic James Bond made his debut! why not celebrate by re-reading the long out-of-print comics adaptation of that premiere tale?

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Note: Does not include Never Say Never Again or Casino Royale (1967)

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Reading Room 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY "Wheels of Death" Conclusion

...Space Station Liberty I, orbiting Mars, is facing destruction by a meteor swarm!
Commander Herb Marik, perhaps a distant descendant of the barbarian of the same name from pre-history, acts to save his crew...
For the first time, we see what happens when a human doesn't transform into a "New Seed"!
And, that he posesses many of the same characteristics and traits of his apparent ancestor, who also encountered a Monolith!
Note: We already ran "Norton of New York 2240 A.D." and its' sequel "Inter-Galactica" HERE and HERE, so next Friday we re-present the only never-reprinted 2001: a Space Odyssey tale that explores what happens when a human goes to the "next level"...
...the New Seed!
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Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday Fun 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY "Wheels of Death!" Part 1

...somewhen in unrecorded pre-history, barbarian king Marak encounters a Monolith which compells him to find a woman named "Jalessa"!
To be concluded...TOMORROW!
We finally meet the Marak of the future, but whether he's related or not to the barbarian is, as yet, unknown,though he certainly does resemble the warrior king!
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