Showing posts with label movie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movie. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2018

50 Years Ago, the Avengers' First Non-Comic Book Adventure...

...involved a world-conquering madman!
Note: neither Quicksilver or the Scarlet Witch appear in the book, though they're referenced as past members.
The Wasp and Iron Man are the other featured members of the team in this story!
Written by long-time pulp/comic book writer Otto Binder (whose credits include Superman and the original Captain Marvel, this never-reprinted tale is a rolicking, fast-paced adventure that would have made a kool flick back in the Swinging 60s!
Trivia: Binder co-created both Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes!
Though there had been numerous paperback reprints of Marvel comics by Lancer Books, this was the first prose novel...and an original story, not an adaptation of any of the comics tales!
There were three previous comic book prose novels before this...all based on DC characters!
George Lowther's Adventures of Superman (which, technically, was based on the radio show), and Winston Lyons (William Woolfolk's) Batman vs the Three Villains of Doom (based as much on the tv show as the comic) and Batman vs the Fearsome Foursome (a novelization of the 1966 theatrical movie).
Karzz is more an alien Kang the Conquerer than Thanos the Mad Titan, but there are a number of parallels between this and Infinity Wars.
Now, before you go see the new the intro and first chapter of this lost classic...
The inside cover teaser!
Yes, (Stan the Man) Lee intros the story!
Iron Man does show up in Chapter Two...after running into Karzz!
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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Steven Spielberg Wants to Adapt BLACKHAWK...Again!

In 1982, fresh off the success of...
 ...Steven Spielberg announced he wanted to adapt DC's Blackhawk...into a feature film!
Problem was that DC wasn't currently publishing a Blackhawk comic!
In fact, the series had been cancelled (for the second time) in 1977!
DC not only revived the series in 1982... it back in the 1940s, but they also commissioned a prose novel based on the comic!
Bookstore managers didn't put the novel with other comics adaptations!
(Both DC and Marvel were doing prose series in the late 1970s-early 1980s)
Instead, the book was racked with the military/war fiction titles, where it sat...and sat...and sat...making it a pricy HTF collectible today!
The comic, despite not being promoted by DC, actually sold well enough to stave off cancellation until 273 in 1984, by which time, Spielberg was already working on other projects!
It was the last time the original group appeared intact in comics.
Since Crisis on Infinite Earths in 1984, there have been various revamps and reboots of the Blackhawk concept, none of which would, I think, appeal to Spielberg.
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The only novel based on the comic book!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

50 Years Ago Today...2001 Arrived!

No, I haven't gone senile...yet!
On this date in 1968, Arthur C Clarke and Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece 2001: a Space Odyssey, hit movie theatres like an atom bomb!
Eight years after that, a comic adaptation finally the now-defunct, tabloid-sized "Treasury" format by none other than Jack (King) Kirby...
(You can read it at this amazing site!)
...followed by an ongoing series by Kirby that, to this day, generates controversy among comics aficionados!
Due to licensing limitations, neither the movie adaptation or the sequel series have been reprinted in the US, but we've re-presented the complete set of these otherwise lost tales on this blog!
Click on the titles below the covers to go to each story!
Blow Your Mind, True Believer!
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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Empire Magazine REALLY "Covers" Avengers: Infinity War!

England's Empire Magazine has a half-dozen covers...
...featuring an exclusive photoshoot with the Avengers: Infinity War cast as well as the kool illustrated cover (above) sent to subscribers!
Thanos gets a solo cover (you going to argue with him? I'm not!), then the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and various allies share the remainder.
What I find interesting is that all the masked heroes pose without masks, emphasizing the performers, not the characters, per se!
You can get the magazine at most major brick and mortar bookstores (like Barnes & Noble) that carry magazines.
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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

How the Black Panther Became the Black LEOPARD...then Went Back to Being the Black PANTHER! Conclusion

...The Black Panther changed his name to "Black Leopard" in Fantastic Four #119 (February 1972)...
...then, several months later, changed it back to "Black Panther" in Daredevil #92 (October 1972)...
When he appeared a month later in Avengers #105 (November 1972)...
...with the first cover caption since 1969 to use his super-hero name...
...even Hawkeye was confused...and the other Avengers were curious as well...
This was Steve Englehart's first Avengers story, and while most of it is Englehart's material, this particular aspect is clearly editor/departing writer Roy Thomas' doing.
Roy is an incredible continuity fan, and has never left a plotline unresolved if he could do something about it!
With this issue, the Panther became a full-time Avenger again until #126...
...when, after kicking a disguised Klaw's ass yet again, he departed for Wakanda to begin his own series in Jungle Action #6 (1973)!
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(reprinting the complete stories we excerpted here...but in black and white!)

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

How the Black Panther Became the Black LEOPARD...then Went Back to Being the Black PANTHER!

Many stories providing background for the new Black Panther movie mention how, in Fantastic Four #119 (February 1972), T'Challa changes his super-hero name...
But none of them mention when or why Marvel reversed the name change!
As we pointed out HERE, Marvel had been using the Panther's civilian name on covers, which was a little silly since he was in costume...
...even on the book where he changed his name from Black Panther to Black LEOPARD...
...thus, T'Challa's name change was firmly established!
Or was it?
T'Challa's next appearance was in Daredevil #92 (October 1972)
...where this symbolic cover shows Daredevil, the Black Widow, and the Black Panther!
Nope, I'm not kidding!
A villain kidnaps the Black Widow and figures out Matt Murdock is Daredevil!
He sends a martial arts-trained assassin to kill Murdock...
Note something a 'ol Hornhead?
Figure out what's going on?
Clue: Daredevil doesn't use his billy club...his primary weapon!
T'Challa's calling himself "Black Panther" again!
Did writer Gerry Conway forget the name change in FF #119?
Guess what, True Believer?
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(which reprints the complete story we excerpted...but in black and white)