A never-reprinted tale about a leprechaun on St Patrick's Day?
Talk about yer pot o' gold, and the "Luck 'O the Irish", eh?
Written by Carl Wessler, and illustrated either by Vic Carabotta or the team of Arthur Peddy and Bernie Sachs (experts disagree on who did it), this story from Atlas' Marvel Tales #143 (1956) hasn't seen print in 66 years!
Considering the numerous illogical aspects to this tale (not the least of which was how the leprechaun mailed a letter minutes after he was sealed back in the ground, but before Louie got home only minutes later), it's not a bad story...if you don't think too hard about it.
And after several pints of Guinness to celebrate the day, most of us won't...
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Whoever was involved in the art here, I am beyond doubtful that involved any work by Sachs. Far too much delicacy, detail, etc. Hard to declare anyone the worst anything but I'd be tempted to name Sachs the worst inker of the ~20 years post-WWII. Too, reasonably certain that he got as mcc work he did at DC because he was Julie Schwartz's bestie.