Showing posts with label bruce lee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bruce lee. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

YouTube Wednesday: THE GREEN HORNET "The Preying Mantis"

Continuing our weekly feature "YouTube Wednesday"...
The spotlight is on Kato, as he and The Green Hornet battle a normally-benevolent Chinese secret society whose younger members are extorting "protection" money from helpless Chinatown business owners.
In addition, the society (or "tong") is being secretly manipulated by white gangsters using one of the tong members, Low Sing, as a cats-paw.
The Hornet wants to end the protection racket by removing Low Sing from his position of power by exposing the gangsters' influence on him.
Side Notes: When people mention The Green Hornet tv series, this is the episode they usually refer to. It was the featured episode (due to it's emphasis on Chinese martial arts) in a compilation movie released theatrically shortly after Bruce Lee died.
This is the ep for Bruce Lee fans as he finally gets to strut his stuff in solo combat against multiple foes! Lee choreographed the fights, including the one-on-one finale with Low Sing. Rumor has it that most of the tong members participating in the climactic fight scene were students from Lee's dojo.
It's the only episode where Kato is defeated in hand-to-hand combat as a masked Low Sing attacks him from behind early in the ep.
Also the only episode where Kato loses his hat in a fight. (The Hornet lost his fedora constantly!)
Besides blasting a door and a tommy-gun with it, The Hornet uses the Hornet Sting extended to full-length as a fighting staff several times in this episode.
There are things in this ep that beg the question; what's Kato's ethnicity in the tv series? On the radio show he's said to be "Oriental", which became Filipino after World War II began. In the two 1940s movie serials, he was Korean. In the 1980s comic and the current "graphic novels", he's Japanese. In this episode, he's familiar with Chinatown and many of it's residents, especially the lovely Mary Chang. He speaks Chinese, and translates conversations between tong members for the Hornet's benefit. Plus, he's well aware of social conventions and procedures of the tong itself. Of course, he's well-versed in the Chinese martial art of gung-fu. Is he Chinese? It's never specifically stated.
Curiously, at the end of the episode, when Britt Reid, Lenore Case, Mike Axford and the previously-blackmailed businessmen celebrate over dinner at one of the businessmen's restaurant, Kato is nowhere to be seen!
Weird Trivia: the toy company that resurrected the 1960s Captain Action action figure line 10 years ago with both a reissued Green Hornet costume and a never-before done Kato costume was called "Playing Mantis"!
Here's the tenth episode produced and aired; "The Preying Mantis".

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

YouTube Wednesday: THE GREEN HORNET "The Ray is For Killing"

Continuing our weekly feature "YouTube Wednesday"...
The Green Hornet and Kato face art thieves armed with a laser rifle!

Except for the two-part series finale, "Invasion from Outer Space", this was the most outlandish episode of the series.
Usually, the show was a straight "detectives with masks" format, dealing with gangsters, extortionists, etc.
No flashy costumed villains.
No super-weapons (except The Hornet's, of course).

Curiously, there's no explanation as to how these criminals got their hands on a laser, who taught them how to use it (or who's gonna fix it if it breaks), or why they're not using it for more lucrative crimes.
We don't know who built the laser. These guys didn't have the scientific background to do so. Was there a mad scientist running around the city?
Why didn't The Hornet take the laser and incorporate it into his weaponry? As it is, leaving it for the police left open the possibility that they could adapt it and use it against him and Kato!
The laser itself is shown to be powered by simply plugging it into an electrical outlet! 110 or 220 volts? It also conveniently fits into a suitcase.
There's location shooting in the Los Angeles storm drain system, both inside the tunnels (where the Black Beauty's green headlights really glow with an eerie effect unseen any other time in the series), and outside using some of the same viaducts seen in Terminator 2 and THEM.
Though it's the ninth episode aired, this was the second episode shot, after "Programmed for Death".
We're using a new YouTube provider, HornetNest1000, so you'll notice a slight difference in the openings of the individual segments, though the picture and sound quality are equal to Michelle66's work.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

YouTube Wednesday: THE GREEN HORNET "Beautiful Dreamer I & II"

If the videos don't work, click HERE!
Since The Green Hornet was a weekly show, rather than twice-a-week like Batman, the producers wanted to avoid two-part or continued stories.
However, whether the original concept was to do an hour-long show, or the story editors were unaware of the edict when they solicited scripts, there were several shows that ran an hour.
This was the first one.
Peter Eden is a criminal posing as the owner of a health spa to the rich and famous called The Vale of Eden. Using subliminal motivation via "sleep teaching" to make his clients steal from their own companies and families, turn the loot over to him, and then forget all about it, he's created the perfect method to commit crimes and let others take the blame.
The Hornet (as Britt Reid) and trusty Girl Friday Lenore Case go "undercover" to investigate the spa. Eden becomes suspicious of them, and "programs" Casey during her spa treatment to shoot Reid.
When Casey tries to carry out her programming, only Kato's quick action saves Reid from being killed by his own secretary.
This is the only episode written (actually co-written) by one of the Batman tv series writers.
The basic concept of a spa being a cover for a criminal operation hypnotizing/programming innocents to commit crimes was also used in the movie In Like Flint and the final Batman tv series episode "Minerva, Mayhem and Millionaires"
It's also the only episode we see The Hornet and Kato's gas masks (which they just test, but not use). Considering how often they use gas, either from the Black Beauty's grille-gun or the Hornet's pistol, I'm surprised the masks weren't seen more frequently. You'll note in the photo above they're also color-coordinated for the Hornet (green) or Kato (black/midnight blue).
There's lots more location shooting since the finale involves stealing the proceeds from a racetrack and the duo in the Black Beauty pursue Eden's henchmen in an armored car all over the place; thru the stables and onto the track itself!
Here's the SEVENTH and EIGHTH broadcast episodes "Beautiful Dreamer I & II" in six segments.
There's no "teaser" for part 2 at the end of part 1, and no "synopsis" of part 1 at the beginning of part 2, which starts at the opening credits with no pre-credits sequence. They do exist, and, I got them on audio tape, when I recorded them off tv in the days before VHS and DVD. The syndicated prints that Michelle66 digitized her files from probably omitted them since most stations ran the 26-episode series as a one-hour block once a week, thus the preview and synopsis were unnecessary since the eps ran back-to-back, and by leaving them out, a couple of minutes of commercials were added without cutting into the episodes themselves.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

YouTube Wednesday: THE GREEN HORNET "Eat, Drink and Be Dead"

If the videos don't work, click HERE!
In a plotline probably based on one of the original radio show's scripts, the Hornet and Kato take on liquor bootleggers operating out of a local dairy, using it's pasturizing equipment to ferment booze on a massive scale! (Why, by 1966, bars would even need illegally-produced liquor is not explained.)
In an interesting modern twist, the criminals use a helicopter to bomb any who oppose or betray them. Effective, and leaves no ballistics!
When The Daily Sentinel begins a series exposing the racket, the gangsters grab reporter Mike Axford, threatening to kill him if the articles are printed.
To save Mike, The Hornet cuts himself in on the racket, agreeing to turn Sentinel publisher Reid over to them in exchange for a cut of profits.
Once inside, Reid sabotages the operation, rescues Mike, and defeats the helicopter bombing-baddies.
Side notes:
The Green Hornet series did quite a bit of location shooting during it's run. Last week it was a marina. In this episode, a huge local dairy.
The Green Hornet likes to make use of darkness to make dramatic entrances. He does it twice in this episode!
Another on-screen costume change as Britt Reid changes in the back seat of Black Beauty, this time donning his Hornet garb.
Lots of play for The Black Beauty as more of it's gimmicks are introed, including built-in loudspeakers (with tape player so The Hornet and Britt Reid can seem to be in two places at once), smoke projectors (probably the gas projector seen in "Crime Wave" using harmless smoke instead of knockout gas), and the (rare for the time) mobile telephone. Plus, both the flying Hornet Scanner and the car's rocket weapons get a healthy workout.
This is the only episode where the villain's lair is blown up, James Bond style! (And, no, they didn't blow up the actual dairy!)
While the 60s tv series is not yet available on official dvd, it is available on YouTube.
Here's the SIXTH broadcast episode "Eat, Drink and Be Dead" in three segments.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

YouTube Wednesday: THE GREEN HORNET "The Frog is a Deadly Weapon"

Continuing our weekly feature "YouTube Wednesday"...
 The Green Hornet faces off against The Shadow!
Well, sorta...
The villain of this episode, gangster Glen Connors, is played by Victor Jory, who portrayed The Shadow in the 1940 movie serial based on both the pulp and radio show!
Connors is impersonating millionaire recluse Charles Delaclare, and slowly draining his assets. (BTW, Delaclare is dead, not held hostage, as is usually the case in this sort of plot.)
Britt Reid wants to expose Connors/Delaclare, not only because Connors evaded the law by faking his own death and replacing Delaclare, but Connors was part of a conspiracy that framed Reid's father years ago!
Side notes:
The frame-up of Reid's father is never pursued beyond this episode. Was dear old Dad the 1940s Green Hornet? We'll never know...
The concept of the villain replacing a reclusive millionaire is later used in the film version of Diamonds are Forever. (The millionaire is kept alive in that film.)
The idea of fighting a flock of frogmen (say that five times fast) was probably inspired by the box-office success of the then-current James Bond flick Thunderball!
Lenore Case, played by the lovely Wende Wagner finally gets screen time in this episode as she does some investigating for Reid, but gets caught by Connors' henchmen. As clever as she is beautiful, she keeps herself alive by bluffing the criminals until The Hornet can rescue her!
For the first time we see The Hornet change from his costume to civilian garb in the back seat of the Black Beauty. He does this a couple of times during the show's run to appear as both Reid and The Hornet to criminals within a short time-frame.
While the 60s tv series is not yet available on official dvd, it is available on YouTube.
Here's the FIFTH broadcast episode "The Frog is a Deadly Weapon" in three segments.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

YouTube Wednesday: THE GREEN HORNET "Crime Wave"

If the videos don't work, click HERE!
It's a 1960s version of cybercrime as The Green Hornet faces a computer that can predict his crimes in "Crime Wave",  the fourth broadcast episode! (A neat trick since The Hornet is just pretending to be a criminal!)
There's double-crossing, a couple of elaborately-planned robberies, and the first all-out fight scene in the series as The Hornet and Kato take on several foes at once!
We also get to see The Black Beauty's built-in gas-guns in operation for the first time!
Side notes:
Despite being computer whizzes, the criminals in this episode can't construct a pistol-sized gas gun like The Hornet carries and have to lug a huge canister of knockout gas around with them!
There's a costume party scene where a number of costumes contain elements (helmets, tunics, sidearms) from various Irwin Allen shows (Lost in Space, Time Tunnel, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

YouTube Wednesday: THE GREEN HORNET "Programmed for Death"

If the videos don't work, click HERE!
Frank Miller tries to kill The Green Hornet!
No, not THE Frank Miller, writer-artist of 300, Daredevil, Dark Knight Returns, and other comic classics!
This guy was a criminally-oriented gemologist who tries to freeze the Hornet in today's episode "Programmed for Death", the third show aired on ABC in 1966, but the first episode filmed.
There's a number of differences between what you'll see here and in our previous two YouTube Wednesday posts.
It's slower-paced since it had to introduce the various elements of the show to an audience unfamiliar with the character. (The last Green Hornet radio show was 14 years earlier, and an entire generation had grown up with no idea as to who he was!)
The heroes have different masks (see photo) that actually work better to hide their identities, but obstructed peripheral vision. After this episode, molds were taken of their faces and new, form-fitting masks were created and used for the remainder of the show's run.
You'll note that Kato does all the hand-to-hand fighting in this episode.

While the 60s tv series is not yet available on official dvd, it is available on YouTube.
Here's the THIRD broadcast episode "Programmed for Death" in three segments.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

YouTube Wednesday: THE GREEN HORNET "Give 'Em Enough Rope"

If the videos don't work click HERE!
Followers of this blog are well aware of how much of a fan I am of The Green Hornet (and Kato, natch) in his various incarnations.
While the 60s tv series is not yet available on official dvd, it is available on YouTube.
Here's the second broadcast episode "Give 'Em Enough Rope" in three segments.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

YouTube Wednesday: THE GREEN HORNET "The Silent Gun"

If the videos don't work, click HERE!
Followers of this blog are well aware of how much of a fan I am of The Green Hornet (and Kato, natch) in his various incarnations.
While the 60s tv series is not yet available on official dvd, it is available on YouTube.
Here's the first broadcast episode "The Silent Gun" (but NOT the pilot, "Programmed for Death", which was the third episode aired) in three segments.

This particular poster, Michelle66 has done a great job "restoring" the eps, even including an "In Color" opening title card on each episode (though not the actual animated one that was used.)
I'll be posting the eps she's made available in aired order on a weekly basis.
Next week: "Give 'Em Enoough Rope"

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Green Hornet Movie Poster Gallery

The first movie serial starring Gordon Jones as Britt Reid / Green Hornet and Keye Luke as Kato.
One of the better serials of the period, faithful to the source.
The second serial with Warren Hull replacing Gordon Jones, but Keye Luke back as Kato.
And the early 1970s film compilation of tv series episodes with Van Williams as Britt Reid / Green Hornet, and the late, legendary Bruce Lee as Kato.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Jay Chou IS...

The Green Hornet!
Chou is a singer / actor whose credits include the male ingenue lead in Curse of the Golden Flower, so he has both acting and action experience!
ALSO: Edward James Olmos has joined the cast, but as a good guy...or a bad guy?
Green Hornet art by Gil Kane

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Buzz on The Green Hornet

In our continual quest to bring you the koolest komic kollectibles, Atomic Kommie Comics™ is expanding our selection to include a new line of clothing / accessories.
Here are the first new offerings...
The first thing you'll notice is an even bigger image than on our previous shirts (up to 11" x 17") making them ideal for both casual wear and beach wear... plus; we're increasing the classic retro image selection! There will be new designs here not available at our other stores! (And, our best-selling classic designs will shortly be made available in larger-image versions!)
The second, less obvious, but equally-vital, thing is that all the products in our new line are from American Apparel and the company imaging and shipping the items is totally eco-friendly!

As to the designs themselves...
As you may have guessed, I'm a big fan of The Green Hornet. (After all, my nom-de-net is his secret identity!)
So, with a new film coming next year, I thought now would be the time to reintroduce the "classic" version to our pop culture-savvy clientelle in the "secret chic" tradition you've taken to heart

We're starting with two images from the theatrical release of the tv series.
Unlike the simultaneously-produced Batman series movie, this film was not an original production, but an edited compilation of four tv episodes!
And, at present, it's the only version of the tv series available on commercial dvd!

You may notice the emphasis on the late Bruce Lee in the design.
Green Hornet was his first major role, and the film, released after his untimely passing and the box-office success of Enter the Dragon, was meant to capitalize on the then-current martial arts cinema fad.
Regardless of the motive, they're both striking images, well-worthy of addition to any fan's clothing collection.
Note: we'll be adding art from both movie serials and the original comic books shortly!

But, that's not all!
Our new line will also include spies, space opera and sci-fi / fantasy, each in their own little cyber-storefront!
The buzz is building...not only on The Green Hornet, but for Atomic Kommie Comics™!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Green Hornet: feel the Buzz

40 years ago (was it really that long?) while all the other kids were enthralled by the campy tv series Batman, I was riveted by the all-too-brief exploits of The Green Hornet.
Based on the 1930s-40s radio / movie serial / comic book series, the show covered the exploits of millionaire newspaper publisher Britt Reid and his aide Kato as they battled "...criminals & racketeers that even the G-Men cannot reach", an opening J. Edgar Hoover himself forced them to change to "...public enemies who try to destroy our America". (You may also note that I adopted his secret identity as my "nom-de-net"!)
The coolest aspect was that the Hornet was thought to be a master criminal himself! None of this "deputized by the police and/or FBI" BS most heroes were burdened with, the Hornet operated outside the law, usually tricking criminals into providing evidence which he then turned over to the police, making look like a case of double-crossing by the crooks themselves!
Though updated for the swingin' 60s with a gimmicked-up auto (the original Black Beauty was just a super-fast car with a busted horn) and additional weapons, the show stayed remarkably-faithful to the source material.
One strangely-backwards aspect was the downplaying of Kato. In the original show and comics, Kato was the scientific expert who developed the gas weapons and souped-up the Black Beauty. In the tv show, he was a martial arts master and auto-driving expert, but that's it!As it turned out, staying too faithful resulted in the show's demise, as the Hornet rarely faced colorful costumed foes which were so vital to Batman's success, instead dealing with bland racketeers and gangsters in plots involving drug smuggling and election fraud! And without campy overacting and POW! THWOCK! BIFF! "sound fx", the straight dramatic acting and comparatively-realistic fights didn't hold the audiences' attention to what was a straight detective show with masks!
Today, the show is best remembered for Al Hirt's jazzy, lip-numbing performance of Billy May's adaptation of Flight of the Bumblebee and the debut of future martial arts film legend Bruce Lee as Kato who choreographed his own fight sequences, laying out a half-dozen foes in under a minute!
Cable's Encore Action ran the whole series a couple of years ago, commercial-free and uncut (except for leaving out the previews and recaps of the two-part stories) and the show is currently in local syndication, usually in conjunction with Batman. Catch it if it's running in your area!
There's no official DVD release, yet. C'mon 20th Century-Fox, get off your asses!
I came across two virtual stores that carry collectibles using the art from two posters for the feature film compilation released after Lee's unfortunate passing.
The Green Hornet & Kato
Kato & the Green Hornet
and thought they would be of interest to the readers of this blog. (I'll be wearing the shirts at comic conventions this summer)