Sheldon, Leonard, and their associates speak to us as fellow geeks, pardon me, pop culture aficionados.
But what we want to know is...why don't they dress the part?
Sheldon wears Green Lantern t-shirts.
Now consider the Earthmen who have worn the particular insignia of the intergalactic police corps that Sheldon wears...
A jock test pilot!
A psychotic social worker/teacher!
An architect/ex-marine!
Note: the newest GL, comic book artist Kyle Rayner wears a variation of the insignia Sheldon wears, and is not included. Ironically, of all the Silver/Bronze/Current GLs, he's the GL Sheldon SHOULD be wearing!)
You'd think Sheldon would wear The Batman, the thinking-man's hero, the man with NO powers who can defeat even Superman!
Or the Golden Age Green Lantern, a radio technologist-turned media mogul (what a role model!)
But, if he'd really want to "go geek", he should go...
CAPTAIN SCIENCE (part of our O Captain, My Captain: Captains of the Cosmos™ line)!
After all, is he not Master of Technology™?
Does he not utilize his knowledge to triumph over bigger, stronger, foes?
Does he not have both a cool name and logo?
And he has a very retro look popular among us ner--I mean pop culture aficionados!
C'mon Big Bang crew, let Sheldon's true nerd shine thru!
Show him wearing CAPTAIN SCIENCE, the clothing line he was born to wear!
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