Showing posts with label Ziff-Davis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ziff-Davis. Show all posts

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Reading Room: AMAZING ADVENTURES "Winged Death on Venus"

Some story titles need no elaboration or explanation...
...especially when the tale features early work by a young up-and-comer destined to become a graphic storytelling legend...
One of the legendary Wally Wood's earliest assignments, this story from Ziff-Davis' Amazing Adventures #1 (1950) shows off both his ongoing strengths (beautiful women, detailed slick inking) and early weaknesses (anatomy).
Within a couple of years, his anatomy improved considerably.

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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Reading Room WEIRD ADVENTURES "Man Who Lived Backwards!"

What if someone tried to prevent you from reaching tomorrow...
...and the only way you could move forward was to kill him in the past?
Check out this never-reprinted tale from Ziff-Davis' one-shot Weird Adventures #10 (1951) for the answer!

So, even though Paul had a change of heart, and tried to save David, his rival for Peggy died anyway, and Paul ended up with the woman they both loved!
What's the moral?
You can change history, even if you don't intend to?
Being good, even if it may be to your personal detriment, will be rewarded in the end?
Ah, well, I guess there are some things we're not meant to understand...
It may be just as well that both the writer and artist are unknown.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder LITTLE MERMAID...the REAL Story!

...and the 1989 animated Disney version that inspired it are not quite what Hans Christian Andersen wrote!
There are a couple of comic book versions that retell the tale far more accurately!
This is one of them...
It's definitely not the usual "and they lived happily ever after" ending, eh?
Illustrated by Marv Levy, this short appeared in the Ziff-Davis 100-page one-shot Hans Christian Anderson (1952).
If you'd like to know more about the comic story and the comic itself, click HERE for info about the astounding origin of the comic and how it ties in to a live-action version of the fairy tale!
And, if you'd like to see a different, longer, even more detailed (but less accurate) version of this fairy tale, click HERE!

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Reading Room: WEIRD THRILLERS "Last Man"

Who will bury...
...and how the hell did Dan Vickerson end up in a situation like this?
The answer will startle you...

This tale from Ziff-Davis' Weird Thrillers #2 (1951) was illustrated by Henry Sharp, who worked for Ziff-Davis  St John (who hired a lot of Ziff-Davis' writers and artists when Z-D went under) and DC Comics from 1951 to 1957.
The writer is unknown.

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Thursday, December 15, 2022

Holiday Reading Room CHRISTMAS CARNIVAL "Santa's Red Red Nose"

What happens if Kris Kringle gets sick on Christmas Eve?
This tale from St John's Christmas Carnival (1952) 100-page one-shot gives you the answer!
It was all a dream!
Thank Heavens!
The thought of a Christmas without Santa is just too much to bear! ;-)
This tale (and the entire Christmas Carnival 100-page 25-cent book) were published twice!
Once in 1952 by Ziff-Davis and again in 1955 by St John Publishing, which bought the Ziff-Davis comics line's material when the publisher liquidated that division after the "Seduction of the Innocent" witch hunt!
Ironic, since Ziff-Davis Comics was one of the least-offensive publishers on the magazine racks!
The writer and artist(s) are unknown.
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Monday, March 28, 2022

Monday Madness SPACE PATROL COMICS "Push Button Tyrant"

Ziff-Davis' Space Patrol comic featured stories based on the TV series...
...and unrelated one-shot tales, like this never-reprinted "Cold War of the Future" story from #1 (1952).

Boy, they were obsessed in the 1950s that the Commies would win the Cold War!
The writer and artist are officially unknown, but I see a great deal of Carmine Infantino's penciling style in a number of panels.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Space Force Saturdays SPACE BUSTERS "Remember Makano"

It's the final battle in the series that may have inspired Don (the John) Trump's fantasy about a "Space Force"...

...appropriately enough, a tale that places emotion over logic!
This never-reprinted tale from Ziff-Davis' Space Busters #2 (1952) is the final story for the short-lived series.
Oddly, none of the sci-fi books about specific characters (this one and Lars of MarsCrusader from Mars, and Space Patrol) lasted more than two issues!
But the anthologies lasted longer...Amazing Adventures ran six issues and Weird Thrillers ran five!

It must be admitted that Murphy Anderson's revamp gave the book a solid "shot in the arm" artistically, so why it was cancelled so abruptly remains a mystery!
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