Showing posts with label Showcase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Showcase. Show all posts

Monday, April 27, 2015

Reading Room MANHUNTER 2070 "D.O.A." Part 1

It begins as a carefree night out on the town 55 years from now...
...and then this never-reprinted tale from DC's Showcase V1 #92 (1970) takes a decidedly-downbeat turn.
Payback's a bitch, even in the future, as you'll see...
Sekowsky had quite a bit of latitude at DC as a writer/artist/editor during this period, revamping Wonder Woman, Metal Men and Supergirl (in Adventure Comics) while also presenting a couple of potential series in the final six issues of Showcase, Jason's Quest and Manhunter 2070.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

MANHUNTER 2070 Returns on Monday...

...with the Origin of Starker... shown in this "teaser" from the back of DC's Showcase #91 (1970).
Written and penciled by Mike Sekowsky, inked by Vince Colletta.
But before that, catch up with the first part of the never-reprinted Manhunter 2070 saga HERE!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Reading Room MANHUNTER 2070 "Space Duel"

Think "reality TV" is a recent phenomenon?
In 1970, a visionary writer/artist/editor saw it happening, but a century later (which is only 55 years for us)!
Sly Ben, sadly, didn't appear again.
Too bad as he would've added a bit of comic relief to a rather grim series.
This "tag", written and penciled by Mike Sekowsky and inked by Vince Colletta, appeared in the back of DC's Showcase V1N91(1970).
Like the short that appeared at the end of the previous issue, it didn't "tease" what would be in the next issue, but served to expand the world of 2070 for the readers, establishing story elements that Sekowsky could come back to in future tales.
In fact, there was a "teaser" at the end of the book, and you'll see it tomorrow...

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Reading Room MANHUNTER 2070 "Planet of Death" Conclusion

...commissioned to bring in a trio of space pirates, bounty hunter Starker tracked them to Pheidos, a world where practically everything, plant or animal, is trying to eat everything else, making it the perfect hideout world!
With one of the criminals devoured by carnivorous insects, Starker continues his assignment...
But before that, we have another brief interlude as Starker ends up on a reality TV show!
Yeah, I know this series was written in 1970.
Maybe Mike Sekowsky was more prescient than we thought...
Written and pencilled by Mike Sekowsky, inked by Vince Colletta, this never-reprinted tale from DC's Showcase V1#91 (1970) proves the adage that "space opera" is "horse opera" with blasters instead of six-shooters.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Reading Room MANHUNTER 2070 "Planet of Death" Part 2

...which is why the outlaws he's been hunting considered it to be the perfect hideout!
...wait until Starker sees who (or what) else is among the potential diners...
Written and pencilled by Mike Sekowsky, inked by Vince Colletta, this never-reprinted tale from DC's Showcase V1#91 (1970) proves the adage that "space opera" is "horse opera" with blasters instead of six-shooters.
Sekowsky was no stranger to space opera, having illustrated Speed Carter: SpaceMan for Atlas (later Marvel) in the 1950s as seen HERE, HERE, and HERE, as well as Harvey's 3 Rocketeers in the 1960s as seen HERE and HERE!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Reading Room MANHUNTER 2070 "Planet of Death" Part 1 we jump feet-first into the world a mere 55 years hence...
...or vice-versa, as we will see
Written and pencilled by Mike Sekowsky, inked by Vince Colletta, this never-reprinted tale from DC's Showcase V1#91 (1970) proves the adage that "space opera" is "horse opera" with blasters instead of six-shooters.
Trivia: The "Bridwell Space Drive" was named after longtime DC editorial staffer/writer E Nelson Bridwell, one of the earliest fan-turned-pros with an encyclopedic knowledge of comics and sci-fi, and a talent for plotting stories and tying them into existing continuity.
Bridwell also co-created the Inferior Five and Secret Six.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Reading Room MANHUNTER 2070 "Incident on Krobar 3"

A mere 55 years from now...
...deep space will look a lot like the Wild West!
This short appeared in the back of DC's Showcase V1 #90 (1970), leading into the final three issues of the series' original run, dedicated to one of Mike Sekowsky's more innovative projects...Manhunter 2070!
Sekowsky had quite a bit of latitude at DC as a writer/artist/editor during this period, revamping Wonder Woman, Metal Men and Supergirl (in Adventure Comics) while also presenting a couple of potential series in Showcase, Jason's Quest and Manhunter 2070.
Be here tomorrow as the never-reprinted saga of Starker begins!
Written and penciled by Mike Sekowsky, inked by Dick Giordano.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Happy Birthday, Mr Bond! Now Die...

It's Sean Connery's 83rd Birthday...
Inside cover of Showcase #43
Before you say "But, that's a reprint of the Classics Illustrated version available only in England!", I'll point out that numerous changes (which are compared in the blog posts) were made by DC in both text and art!
And, while the Classics Illustrated version has been translated and printed all over the world, the DC version has never been reprinted!
Because Showcase #43 came out months before the movie debuted in America, it sold poorly, and DC didn't exercise their 10-year option to do more James Bond tie-ins!
Ironically, in 1972, DC realized they were about to lose the rights to do 007 comics and considered doing an entire series of one-shot movie adaptations up to, and including, the current film, but Sean Connery's announcement that Diamonds are Forever would be his last film in Bondage (ouch) put the kibosh on those plans!
That's why there were no comic adaptations from Gold Key or Dell (who were doing comics based on every movie and TV show they could get their hands on) during the height of '60s Bond-mania!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Don't Say "No" to DOCTOR NO!

October 5th is the 50th Anniversary of the first movie appearance of "Bond, James Bond"...
Inside cover of Showcase #43
Before you say "But, that's a reprint of the Classics Illustrated version available only in England!", I'll point out that numerous changes (which are compared in the blog posts) were made by DC in both text and art!
And, while the Classics Illustrated version has been translated and printed all over the world, the DC version has never been reprinted!
Because Showcase #43 came out months before the movie debuted in America, it sold poorly, and DC didn't exercise their 10-year option to do more James Bond tie-ins!
Ironically, in 1972, DC realized they were about to lose the rights to do 007 comics and considered doing an entire series of one-shot movie adaptations up to, and including, the current film, but Sean Connery's announcement that Diamonds are Forever would be his last film in Bondage (ouch) put the kibosh on those plans!
That's why there were no comic adaptations from Gold Key or Dell (who were doing comics based on every movie and TV show they could get their hands on) during the height of '60s Bond-mania!
The next 007 movie adaptation would be For Your Eyes Only from Marvel in 1981.
The Secret Sanctum of Captain Video™ re-presentation will conclude Friday.
Don't miss it!