Showing posts with label John Buscema. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Buscema. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2012


From the day of his birth, Abraham Lincoln's life was a mixture of triumph and tragedy.
Moving constantly to find better-quality farmland, the Lincoln family endured hardship due to famines and floods.
Eventually, they found themselves on the very edge of America's Western frontier...
"Milk-sickness" was caused by drinking the milk of cows who had ingested plants that, while harmless to bovines, was lethal to humans.
This section of Dell's never-reprinted one-shot Abraham Lincoln: Life Story (1958) was written by Gaylord DuBois, penciled by John Buscema, and inked by Alberto Giolitti.
Buscema would pencil the remainder of this chapter about Lincoln's boyhood, then Giolitti would assume both pencil and ink tasks for most of the remainder of the book, up until the final few pages detailing Lincoln's assassination, which Buscema penciled.
Note: the story is over 80 pages, so it's going to run through next Friday.
But it's a story worth telling, especially with a new Steven Spielberg-directed feature film starring Daniel Day-Lewis as Honest Abe coming out tomorrow, so I'm going ahead and I hope you'll join me.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


After one of the most divisive Presidental campaigns in history...
 It's time to look at the man whom most believe was the Greatest President of All!
Note: For the politically-correct, this all-ages story may be NSFW, due to it's referring to slaves as "Negro" rather than "Black" or "African-American".
When the story was produced in 1958, the politically-correct term was, in fact, "Negro".
This section of Dell's never-reprinted one-shot Abraham Lincoln: Life Story (1958) was written by Gaylord DuBois, penciled by John Buscema, and inked by Alberto Giolitti.
Buscema would pencil the remainder of this chapter about Lincoln's boyhood, then Giolitti would assume both pencil and ink tasks for most of the remainder of the book, up until the final few pages detailing Lincoln's assassination, which Buscema penciled.
Note: the story is over 80 pages, so it's going to run through next Friday.
But it's a story worth telling, especially with a new Steven Spielberg-directed feature film starring Daniel Day-Lewis as Honest Abe, so I'm going ahead and I hope you'll join me.

Friday, August 3, 2012


Skip the pablum and have some peplum today with...

Secret Sanctum of Captain Video 
as we go to sunny Italy for a solid six days of posts featuring the comic adaptations of two sword and sandal (with a hint of sorcery) sagas starring the one-and-only Steve Reeves!
...featuring the manly art of John Buscema
 ...with muscular renderings by Reed Crandall and George Evans!
The testosterone will be oozing off your screen!
(which could be kind of messy...)

PLUS: You can see and compare the actual movies to the comic adaptations!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Greatest HERCULES of All is Coming to RetroBlogs™!

We hope you've enjoyed five days of...
at Crime & Punishment this week
and we want you to join us next week as
Secret Sanctum of Captain Video 
goes to sunny Italy for a week of posts featuring two sword and sandal (with a hint of sorcery) sagas starring Steve Reeves...
...featuring the manly art of John Buscema
...with muscular renderings by Reed Crandall and George Evans!
The testosterone will be oozing off your screen!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: FANTASTIC FOUR "Galactus"

It's the 50th Anniversary of Fantastic Four #1...
Reprint of FF #49 Art by Sal Buscema
...and I wanted to present the first media adaptation of the greatest FF story of all...The Galactus Trilogy! (FF Volume 1 #48-50) as shown on the Hanna-Barbera Fantastic Four cartoon in 1967!
Reprint of FF #48 Art by John Buscema & Joe Sinnott
Regrettably, the complete episode is not available on YouTube, only a 4-minute "highlight" clip.
Scroll down and you'll see it.
Reprint of FF #50. Art by Gil Kane & Frank Giacoia
BTW, if you're wondering why I'm showing the covers from the Marvel's Greatest Comics reprints of the stories instead of the originals, it's because many fans under 40 have never seen these covers from 1972, and everyone's seen the (admittedly-classic) Jack Kirby/Joe Sinnott original editions from 1966!

The voice cast includes Ted Cassidy (Lurch from Addams Family) as Galactus, Vic Perrin (Control Voice/Narrator of Outer Limits) as Silver Surfer, and Paul Frees doing double-duty as both The Thing and The Watcher!
The script was 95% lifted directly from the Stan Lee comic book script, and the character designs and storyboarding were adapted/simplified by Alex Toth based on the Jack Kirby/Joe Sinnott art.
Regrettably, the actual animation was a tad crude, but considering the sheer volume of material Hanna-Barbera had on all three networks that year, it's a miracle it's as good as it is.
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