Showing posts with label Frank Giacoia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frank Giacoia. Show all posts

Monday, April 27, 2015

Reading Room MANHUNTER 2070 "D.O.A." Part 1

It begins as a carefree night out on the town 55 years from now...
...and then this never-reprinted tale from DC's Showcase V1 #92 (1970) takes a decidedly-downbeat turn.
Payback's a bitch, even in the future, as you'll see...
Sekowsky had quite a bit of latitude at DC as a writer/artist/editor during this period, revamping Wonder Woman, Metal Men and Supergirl (in Adventure Comics) while also presenting a couple of potential series in the final six issues of Showcase, Jason's Quest and Manhunter 2070.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Reading Room: UNEARTHLY SPECTACULARS 3 Rocketeers "Invincible Eranus"

I can just envision the really-bad jokes about that title...
...but, I can assure you this is a deadly serious matter, space cadets!
Written by noted sci fi novelist Otto Binder (who wrote over 3,000 comics scripts) and illustrated by Golden and Silver Age workhorses Mike Sekowsky and Frank Giacoia, this tale of time and space was the next-to-last 3 Rocketeers story published.
We already ran the final one (out of publication order) HERE.