Showing posts with label Edwin L. Arnold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Edwin L. Arnold. Show all posts

Friday, February 24, 2012

Reading Room: GULLIVAR JONES "River of the Dead"

The John Carter movie is only a week away (March 9th)...
Art by Gil Kane and unknown inker
Meanwhile, we're continuing the adventures of his swashbuckling predecessor on Mars, Gullivar Jones, as we present the second, never-reprinted chapter of the short-lived comic adaptation from Creatures on the Loose #17 (1972)...
To be continued...HERE!
You'll note that Sam Grainger has replaced Bill Everett as the inker.
Unfortunately, Everett's health was declining and he had to cut back on the volume of work he was doing, preferring to devote what time he had to working on his greatest creation, Prince Namor: the Sub-Mariner.
He passed away a little over a year later.
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Monday, January 30, 2012

Reading Room: GULLIVAR JONES "Warrior of Mars"

With all the hubub about the new John Carter of Barsoom movie...
Art by Gil Kane and unknown inker
...let's look at the first Earthman on Mars, whose adventures predated Edgar Rice Burroughs' tales by half a decade.
With the success of Marvel's Conan the Barbarian, comics went pulp-mad, looking for other properties that were doing well in paperback reprints to adapt into the four-color format.
DC latched onto The Shadow, The Avenger, and Fritz Lieber's Fafhrd and Gray Mouser well as the entire Edgar Rice Burroughs library including Tarzan, Carson of Venus, and John Carter.
Marvel grabbed Doc Savage, added Kull (also a Robert E Howard character), and looked for another barbarian/swashbuckling hero.
They ended up adding two, Gullivar Jones and Lin Carter's Thongor, neither of whom ran more than eight issues.
Gullivar Jones had the advantage of only one novel to adapt, then the door was open to totally-new adventures.
Art by Frank Frazetta
This was Part 1.
We'll be presenting the remaining chapters in the weeks up to the opening of John Carter., beginning HERE.

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