...it's the 1980s and Jack, the ultimate pop-culture nerd, is about to interact with tv in a way he never expected...

Before that, we want to let you know that we'd be happy to continue the funky adventures of Video Jack--if you tell us you want it!
So let us know by Saturday night, because we'll be preparing the next installment of Monday Madness on Sunday!
Update: If you came here earlier, you may have noticed there wasn't a link to the previous chapter, nor a synopsis.
That's because Blogger's altering of the creation interface caused serious glitches, and after almost two hours, I finally got the images uploaded and clicked "post" not realizing I still hadn't done those items!
My bad.😡
My bad.😡
Plotted and penciled by Keith Giffen, scripted by Cary Bates, and inked by Dave Hunt, the never-reprinted Epic's Video Jack #1 (1987) is truly a product of its' time!
Note that, unlike today, pop-culture aficionados were scorned as geeks and nerds (What a great name for a movie or tv series!) and considered social outcasts!
How times have changed...
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Thanx for posting!