Showing posts with label 1960s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1960s. Show all posts

Monday, October 16, 2023

Macabre Monday Madness THE SPECTRE & THE FLASH "Phantom Flash, Cosmic Traitor" Part 1

Before the book became a full-time "Batman &" team-up title...

...The Brave and the Bold featured some of the weirdest team-ups Silver Age DC ever saw!
Case in point...
Actually, you'll see it NEXT MONDAY!
Written by Bob Haney, penciled by Carmine Infantino, and inked by Chuck Cuderia, this tale in DC's The Brave and the Bold #72 (1967) served a a bridge between The Spectre's successful three-issue tryout run in Showcase, and the premiere of his own title a couple of months later!
It's atypical for The Flash, who was a science-oriented character, to be involved in a supernatural-themed tale.
Also, why isn't he visiting his buddy, Jay Garrick (the Golden Age Flash), instead of The Spectre, who at this point in time, The Scarlet Speedster had only seen during the annual JLA/JSA "Crisis on..." summer team-up ("Crisis Between Earth-One and Earth-Two!"/"Bridge Between Earths!") and never even spoken with?
(They were in the middle of a pitched battle with the Anti-Matter Man!)

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Wrath of the Spectre

(which reprints all The Spectre's Silver and Bronze Age color, which the black-and-white Showcase volume doesn't do!)

Friday, October 13, 2023

Frankenstein Friday Fun : ADVENTURES OF JERRY LEWIS "Scared Silly" Part 3

...Jerry Lewis had rented a supposedly-haunted house for $12 a month.
It was "haunted" former horror movie stars Boris Killoff (Krankenstein)Bela Le Ghouli (Drinkula), and Peter Leery (Dog Boy), who were preparing for a return to the silver screen!
The trio had invited a noted film director to visit, hoping to impress him with their ability to still scare potential moviegoers!
But there's been a complication, as Bela Le Ghouli explains...
Don't ya just love a happy ending?
As a bonus, here's a feature from this issue about artist Bob Oksner, whom I've felt has been under-appreciated by today's fans...
Next Friday, another firghteningly-funny story when the wind blows cold and the moon shines bright.
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Movie about a comic book artist, a fanboy, and a model in a threesome
starring Jerry Lewis & Dean Martin with Shirley MacLaine as "BatLady"!

Monday, October 9, 2023


we warned you...
Our "brother" RetroBlogHero Histories, has the complete runs of the swinging Sixties superhero incarnations of FrankensteinDracula, and WolfMan, (which was retitled "Werewolf" due to trademark conflicts).
Did you know writer/editor DJ Arneson and artist Tony Tallarico put Universal Monster SuperHero Universe references within the three series?
Was a crossover team-up or battle planned...but not published?
If that doesn't scare your pants off, nothing will!
Click on the links...
It's Up to You to Decide if this is our Treat to you...or a Trick!!!

Friday, October 6, 2023

Frankenstein Friday Fun : ADVENTURES OF JERRY LEWIS "Scared Silly" Part 2

...he had rented a supposedly-haunted house for $12 a month.
It was "haunted" former horror movie stars Boris Killoff (Krankenstein), Bela Le Ghouli (Drinkula), and Peter Leery (Dog Boy), who were preparing for a return to the silver screen!
Explanation: We began this re-presentation of this never-reprinted tale in 2021 as shown HERE.
However, by the time next week rolled around, we ran a different Frankenstein tale, and never got around to running the other two chapters!
So here's Part 2, with Part 3 to follow next week!
Now, back to the story...
Who will trap whom?
See the inane answer...NEXT FRIDAY!
With the Comics Code limiting use of the classic monsters to humorous or decidedly non-threatening versions, DC decided work within those limits.
Jerry would go on to meet versions of the Mummy, Invisible Man, Creature from the Black Lagoon and other film and print fiction monsters.
And, fellow DC Comics comedian Bob Hope would end up with ongoing appearances by dopplegangers of Frankie (Coach Franklin Stein), Drac (Dr. Van Pyre)and Wolfy (Professor Von Wolfman) as the faculty of Benedict Arnold High School, which Hope's nephew attends!
That those other characters looked exactly like the trio of monsters in this story is attributable to the fact they share the same artist, Bob Oksner!

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Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Reading Room: WEIRD "Frankenstein: the Monster's Story"

Here's a one-off tale taking elements of several of the Frankenstein Monster's many incarnations...
...and combining them into a fascinating tale!
Written by the magazine's associate editor Roger Elwood and illustrated by it's editor/art director Carl Burgos (who created comics' first android hero, Timely's Golden Age Human Torch), this story from Eerie Publications' Weird V1N10 (1965) is one of the few stories (after Mary Shelly's original) that doesn't leave the door open for a sequel!
Trivia: despite the numbering, this is the first issue of the magazine!
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Friday, September 22, 2023


There is nothing more frightening to a beatnik, hippie, or hipster...
...than to be considered "establishment" or "uncool"!
This tale from Archies's Tales Calculated to Drive You Bats #5 (1962) demonstrates that "kool" is all a matter of perspective!
Best-known as the creator of Li'l Jinx, writer-artist Joe Edwards masterfully-adapted to the Dan DeCarlo-esque "house" style of Archie Comics to become one of their (almost-always anonymous) mainstays for decades, from the Golden Age (1940s) through the Modern Age (1980s).
Consider that when he wrote and illustrated this tale, he was already in his 40s (as were almot all comic creatives at that time), not a young adult and "with it", as they said back then!
Does it still read as "legit"?
Think about it...

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Monday, September 18, 2023

Monday Medical Madness TWILIGHT ZONE "Plague"

Submitted for your approval...
...a tale so frightening, it couldn't be told on TV...but it did appear in comic The Twilight Zone!
There wasn't a sequel to this never-reprinted story by writer Leo Dorfman and illustrator Joe Orlando (with an assist from Mike Sekowsky) from Gold Key's Twilight Zone #20 (1967)!
Perhaps it's best we never know,,,
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and the sequel