In the 1970s, there was an Archie-style comic aimed at Black audiences...
...from the publishers of the Golden Legacy series which featured factual stories about Black historical figures!
...from the publishers of the Golden Legacy series which featured factual stories about Black historical figures!
Though it looks like it, Fast Willie Jackson was not published by Archie Comics, but by Black-owned publisher Fitzgerald Publications who had previously published the Golden Legacy
non-fiction comic series about Black history
Fast Willie was their entry into the mass-market comics market.
Though not Comics Code-approved, it received newsstand distribution, and sales were climbing for each successive issue.
Unfortunately, it reached break-even only with the seventh (and final) issue, when other matters caused Fitzgerald Publications to cease producing new material for an extended period. When Fitzgerald briefly resumed publishing, Fast Willie was not among the titles.
Written by publisher/editor Bertram Fitzgerald, illustrated by "Gus Lemoine".
Note: There's no record of Gus Lemoine outside of a brief comics career for Archie and Fitzgerald which coincidentally ends with superb Dan DeCarlo mimic Henry Scarpelli leaving his staff position at DC and becoming a full-time staffer at Archie, at which point "Lemoine's" credits disappear.
Most artists in the comics field do other (fine or commercial art) work before and/or after their stint in comics.
There's no trace of Lemoine's work anywhere else.
If anybody can provide a link to his pre/post-comics work or some sort of biography I've missed, I'd be extremely grateful for the info!
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Thanx for posting!