Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Reading Room ROCKET SHIP X "Ivy Invasion"

Here's a never-reprinted tale from one of the rarest anthology titles of all...
...Fox's Rocket Ship X (1951)!
(not to be confused with the movie RocketShip X-M, which came out the year before...)
Both writer and artist(s) of this extremely-weird tale are unknown.
Fox, unlike most comics publishers in the 1940s-50s, didn't go whole-hog with sci-fi.
Though they did occasional sci-fi stories that appeared in their other adventure and action anthologies, Rocket Ship X (1951) was their lone sci fi-only anthology, and was just a one-shot.
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Monday, August 17, 2020

Monday Madness / CoronaVirus Comics MORLOCK: 2001 "Morlock Must be Destroyed!" Conclusion

...as seen from the perspective of 1975, when the story was created, he had been given shelter by a scientist who was conducting similar research into humanoid plants like what Morlock's creator had been doing!
Written by Michael Fleischer, penciled by Al Milgrom, and inked by Jack Abel, this never-reprinted tale from Atlas/Seaboard's Morlock: 2001 #2 (1975) introduces a new vengeance-driven antagonist who could either have worked with the government to capture Morlock or against the government to destroy the plant-man!
Except...as with most of the company's titles, the third issue featured a total change of creative staff and direction...as you'll see next Monday!
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A "Lost" Graphic Novel about Dystopia

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Trump Reading Room UNCLE TOM'S CABIN Conclusion

Depending on your sensitivity, may be NSFW...
2nd Edition cover from 1954.
We have already seen...
While traveling on a riverboat with his new master, Tom meets a little girl named Eva, who quickly befriends him.
When Eva falls into the river, Tom dives in to save her, and her father, Augustine St. Clare, gratefully agrees to buy Tom from Haley.
Tom travels to the St Clares' home in New Orleans, where he grows increasingly close to Eva, with whom he shares a devout Christianity.
Up North, George and Eliza remain in flight from Loker and his men.
When the slavehunter attempts to capture them, George shoots him.
Eliza convinces George and the Quakers to bring the wounded Loker to the next settlement, where he can be healed.
Meanwhile, in New Orleans, St. Clare discusses slavery with his cousin Ophelia, who opposes slavery as an institution but harbors deep prejudices against blacks.
St. Clare, by contrast, feels no hostility against blacks but tolerates slavery because he feels powerless to change it.
To help Ophelia overcome her bigotry, he buys Topsy, a young black girl who was abused by her past master and arranges for Ophelia to begin educating her.
Eva grows very ill. She slowly weakens, then dies, with a vision of heaven before her.
Her death has a profound effect on everyone who knew her: Ophelia resolves to love the slaves, Topsy learns to trust and feel attached to others, and St. Clare decides to set Tom free.
However, before he can act on his decision, St. Clare is stabbed to death while trying to settle a brawl. As he dies, he at last finds God and goes to be reunited with his mother in heaven.
St. Clare’s cruel wife, Marie, decides to go against his wishes and, instead of freeing the slaves, sends them to a slave market to be sold...
Adaptation script by Evelyn Goodman (one of Classic Comics/Classics Illustrated's mainstays), art is by Rolland H Livingstone, who did only two other Classic issues; Rip Van Winkle and Headless Horseman.
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Friday, August 14, 2020

Friday Fun GET LOST! "Ride in the Subway"

As a longtime New Yorker (and now Chicagoan)...
...I can attest to the accuracy (and only slight exaggeration) of this pre-Covid-19 tale by native New Yorkers Ross Andru and Mike Esposito!
This short from Mikeross' Get Lost #3 (1954) was typical of the title, one of the better MAD color comic clones.
Andru and Esposito wrote and illustrated almost everything, giving it a cohesion most other title didn't have.
Mikeross was a small publisher, who, unfortunately, didn't survive the Wertham "Seduction of the Innocent" purge of the mid-1950s, despite the fact they didn't publish any horror comics!
Besides Get Lost!, all they did was romance comics as shown HERE!
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