Sunday, November 7, 2021

CYBER-SANTA: the Future of Cool Christmas Cards

Want to send a Christmas card that's future-forward but also retro-kool?
My personal favorite is the one shown above: Santa Claus 2.0 where Future Santa (note the four arms!) meets his replacement...Cyber-Santa!
In the late 1950s-early 1960s we thought there was nothing science couldn't improve...including Santa Claus!
Galaxy Magazine's primary artist in this era (both covers and interiors) was Ed Emshwiller, who signed his work "Emsh".
Known for both playfullness and superb detail, Ed did a series of Christmas covers from 1951 to 1960 featuring a four-armed Santa in the future celebrating the Yuletide with humans and aliens alike!
They're included in our collection along with numerous comic book covers featuring Santa in the past, present, and future!
Order now, to have plenty of time to send them out!
(I normally don't start promoting Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving, but expected shipping delays and potential shortages of blank card stock make me do so to be sure customers can get what they want, when they want it!)

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Space Force Saturdays INTERPLANETARY POLICE "Mirror of Doom" Part 1

Strap on your rocketpacks, Space Cadets... we present the final tale of the InterPlanetary Police and their ongoing battle with the Space Siren!
And, with that, we temporarily break contact with the brave spacemen of the InterPlanetary Police until next Saturday!
This high-adventure story from Buster Brown Comic Book #32 (1953) was written by Hobart Donovan, penciled by Reed Crandall, and inked by Ray Wilner.
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Friday, November 5, 2021

Friday Fun SPACE PATROL COMICS "Testtube Tyler"

Let's jump into the weekend with a workplace joke...but with a sci-fi twist!
This never-reprinted one pager from Ziff-Davis' Space Patrol #2 (1952) was Testtube Tyler's sole appearance.
Obviously, Cedrick never reappeared either.
And, to top it off, the writer and artist (who may be one and the same or two different people) are unknown.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Reading Room MARVEL PREVIEW "Man-Gods from Beyond the Stars" Part 1

Chariots of the Gods? was the primary inspiration for Jack Kirby's Eternals...
So let's look at a strip from the same era also inspired by Erich Von Daniken's concepts!
The story continues..Tuesday!
Written by Doug Moench, illustrated by Alex Nino.
Though largely discredited today, Von Daniken's books about "ancient astronauts" influenced pop culture from the 1970s to the present, including tv (BattleStar Galactica), movies (Prometheus and Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull), and comics (Tragg and the Sky Gods)
The Eternals was originally called Return of the Gods and, like Mister Machine/Machine Man was intentionally not intended to be part of the Marvel Universe!
We'll go more into that next week...
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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder ROCKET TO THE MOON Part 1

Here's a comic story adapted from a sci-fi high adventure novel...
...see if you can guess which one?
Hint: the comic's name is not the same as the novel's!
Note: May be NSFW due to racial stereotypes common to eras of both the original novel and the comic.
And, if you haven't figured out what novel this story is adapted from, you'll see the cover of the book!
(We'll give you a clue, the novel was written in the same era as Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter/Barsoom and Carson of Venus stories by an author who also wrote high adventure series set on Mars and Venus!
This 1951 one-shot comic from Avon Comics was scripted by Walter (The Shadow) Gibson and illustrated by Joe Orlando and Wally Wood, who shared penciling and inking duties!