Sunday, August 8, 2021

HOLY CAMP CLASSICS!!! Are You Ready for the Next RetroBlog Blogathon Entry?

Go back 55 years when BatMANIA swept the country, and join us as we relive...

...a Batman adventure unlike any other!
Scripted by pulp/paperback/comic book writer William Woolfolk under the pen-name "Winston Lyons", it's a fascinating mash-up of the TV and comic versions of the Caped Crusader, Robin the Boy Wonder,  and a trio of arch-villains!
You might note that The Riddler (who was the TV Batman's premiere nemesis, isn't in the story.
That's because the book was written before the show aired, and the Prince of Puzzles had appeared in only three comics stories before 1966!
He wasn't considered a major nemesis by comics fans or creators until after the show began!
Start the adventure now by clicking HERE!

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Space Force Saturdays INTERPLANETARY POLICE "Meteor Menace" Part 1

Who would've thought that this never-reprinted, lost comic series classic appeared in...
...of all things, Buster Brown Comic Books?
Of course, it's actually Yankee Stadium II, but readers in 1952 didn't know that...
Be here next
for the planet-shattering (literally) conclusion!
(One spoiler...the Space Siren doesn't destroy any more historic stadiums!
This short-lived series (only five stories) ran in Buster Brown Comic Book, a free giveaway anthology comic published quarterly from 1945 to 1956 to promote Buster Brown Shoe Stores.
Strips ran anywhere from three to twenty-four issues.
Since there were no letters pages, there's no way to tell how the popularity of the series was judged.
This tale in BBCB #28 (1952), written by Hobart Donovan and drawn by Ray Bailey, is the premiere, setting up the premise quickly and efficiently, adapting elements from various other space opera series including Buck Rogers and Space Patrol, and getting to the action post-haste.
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Friday, August 6, 2021

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder LOST WORLD "To Save You, Why Must I Kill You?"

Considering this never-reprinted tale was published over in 1949...'s almost frightening to see how applicable the story's moral is to the problems of today's America!
Heroic Hunt Bowman and the duly-elected Earth Council decide on a course of action...gathering the surviving children of North America in a well-prepared location to teach them what they'll need to survive and fight back against the invading VoltaMen.
Rabble-rousers claim Bowman's actions are violating their personal freedom and endangering their children!
(Apparently Republicans survived the invasion from Volta!)
Happily, by the end of the tale, the Repugs...I mean idiots...have learned the error of their ways and the School for Survival is now in session!
Sadly, in the real world, the fools who claim their personal freedom take priority over their survival haven't learned...and may not live long enough to do so!