Thursday, February 13, 2025

Baker Reading Room OUTER SPACE "Fall Guy"

Despite Being Published in a Comic Called Outer Space... 

...this is a totally Earth-bound story, until...

Cue the Twilight Zone theme...
Written by Joe Gill, pencilled by Matt Baker, and inked by Vince Colletta, thie never-reprinted story from Charlton's Outer Space #24 (1959) takes the whole "fraternity hazing" mindset, and tosses it in the trash where it belongs!

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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder AIRSHIP ENTERPRISE "Infernal Machine" Part 3b

We Have Already Seen...

...preparing to go into battle to avoid assimilation by the Sky God Damballah, Captain Janus Tibbs checks on repairs to the heavily-damaged Enterprise!
But a new threat from within arises...

It's, Literally, Into the Belly of the Beast...
Next Wednesday!
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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Baker Reading Room CROWN COMICS Voodah in "Justice of the Jungle!"

When you hear the phrase "Lord of the Jungle", you visualize Tarzan or Thun'da...

...or some other White guy.
But, during the Golden Age of Comics, one such jungle lord was Black!
Debuting in Golfing/McCombs' anthology Crown Comics #3 (1945), Voodah was the first Black hero in comic books.
Illustrated by Matt Baker (who most fans know was one of the premiere Good Girl artists of the '40s-'50s, but don't know that he was one of the few African-American comic artists of the era), the idea of a non-White jungle hero seems obvious today, but was extremely-daring in the 1940s!
In fact, it was so daring that Voodah became paler, eventually becoming just another White guy bossing the locals around!
But, before he went White, Voodah had some kool adventures, including battling a dinosaur single-handed!
You'll see a couple more of them before the end of the month!
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Monday, February 10, 2025

Monday Madness OUT OF THIS WORLD "Xondu the Eternal"

A never-reprinted 1950s sci-fi tale by legendary Black artist Matt Baker...
..with a Twilight Zone-style twist ending!
OK, it's more a "Third from the Sun" than "To Serve Man" ending, but still, it's fairly effective!
(And kudos to those who didn't have to click on the links to understand what I was talking about!)
Penciled by Matt Baker and inked by Vince Colletta, this tale from Charlton's Out of This World #15 (1959) unfortunately suffers from both Colletta's rushed inking and the poor printing Charlton was notorious for.
(Unlike other comics companies, Charlton had their own printing press, which had been designed for packaging...including breakfast cereal boxes...not newsprint!)
The writer is unknown, but many believe it to be Joe Gill, who was rapidly making a name for himself with an impressive, and varied, body of work.
Penciler Matt Baker was one of the few Black comic book artists of the Golden and Silver Ages, and was easily the most prolific of them!
Though known for his "good girl" art, including the famous (and infamous) Phantom Girl stories, he handled every genre with ease, including horror, war, sci-fi, and romance!
Sadly, though, few of his stories featured Black characters...who were rare in comics until the mid-1960s!
You can read a short, but complete bio HERE!
He's also our featured artist this month in the Baker Reading Room at Atomic Kommie Comics, spotlighting his amazing cross-genre versatility!

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Sunday, February 9, 2025

Now THIS is a SUPER-HERO Bowl!

Today, we PARTY, with our own Super-HERO Bowl!
A marathon of comic book-based DVDs and BluRays from around the world (including the Japanese Spider-Man live-action series with the giant Spider-Robot!).

Thank the tech gods for multi-region players!
See you tomorrow with more exciting tales!