Thursday, January 9, 2025

Reading Room WEIRD WONDER TALES / STRANGE TALES "When a Planet Dies!"

The current "deep freeze" covering the USA reminded me of the splash panel from this story...
...from Marvel's Weird Wonder Tales #22 (1973), which was actually a reworking of this (literally) kool splash page from a cool story from Atlas' Strange Tales #97 (1962)!
While the art is credited to Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers, who wrote it is not entirely clear.
A number of people, myself included, think it's scripted by Kirby!
Bonus: Here's the original art for the cover from a previous issue of Weird Wonder Tales that supplied the Dr Druid figure on the reworked splash page above...
Art by pencilers Jack Kirby and John Romita Sr (Dr Druid's face), and inker Joe Sinnott.
Now, here's the original art for the Strange Tales story's splash page...
Marvel production artist "flipped" a photostat of the Dr Druid figure from the Weird Wonder Tales cover and replaced the bearded aliens with it on a photostat of this splash page!
No original art was harmed in the making of the new splash! page!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Wednesday World of Wonder WORLD OF FANTASY "Prison 2000 A.D."

In January, We're Doing One-Shot Tales Instead of Continued Stories...
...beginning with this tale, which utilizes a concept that's commonplace today, but all but unknown when this story appeared in Atlas' World of Fantasy #16 (1959)!

Editor/conceptualizer Stan Lee and plotter/penciler Jack Kirby were doing what we now call "virtual reality" 1959!
The story was reprinted in Marvel's Strange Tales Annual #2 in 1963, than lay unseen for more than a half-century before finally being resurrected in, oddly, Monsters: the Marvel Monsterbus by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, and Jack Kirby...
...when, despite the "monsters" in the title, the only requirement is that the story was conceptualized/plotted by Lee, scripted by Lieber (Stan's brother, BTW) and plotted/penciled by Jack Kirby!
But there are lots of kool Kirby sci-fi/sci-fantasy stories, some never-previously reprinted!
So don't let the title put you off!

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Reading Room WORLD OF MYSTERY "Obey or Die!"

Here's an Ability Any Wanna-Be Dictator... Don da Con, for example, would kill to possess!
This never-reprinted tale from Atlas' World of Mystery #7 (1959), scripted by Carl Wessler and illustrated by Sam Kweskin poses an interesting dilemma!
If you can verbally-command someone else to do something, even against their will, why wouldn't it affect you...if you heard it?
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Monday, January 6, 2025


As the government prepares to certify the questionable results of the election...

...let's take a look back at some of the examples of Don da Con's actual quotes, put into graphic form...

...and my personal favorite, showing Don da Con with his BFF. Vladdy!

Click HERE to see the original posts featuring both these covers, plus info about the original comic covers these are adapted from!

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by R. Sikoryak
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Sunday, January 5, 2025


Some things never go out-of-date... dumb jokes and juvenile humor, as these panels from Mirth of a Nation #5 (1943) demonstrate!
Five issues were produced by the Harry "A" Chesler Jr. Features Syndicate for the short-lived Wm H Wise & Company.
Each issue had this notice on the first page...